Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, September 29, 2006
I'm a joiner
I don't know what's come over me but I've joined a couple of knit along type things. I think I have valid reasons and it has given me a chance to break out new projects.
I love a good sock.

Watching movies and knitting.
I do that any way.
This is just an interesting way to talk about and get recommendations for movies. Who knows? A movie may inspire me to knit something different. in fact Knit.1 magazine just did their fall issue on "TV". But, um, I don't think I'll be knitting anything from there. I'm just not "hip" enough, although some of the items are inspiring.
Warm Hands Knit along.
Sandy has taken on the task of hosting this again. And she's knitting some amazing mittens. Me, I just finished the mohair ones and now I'll soon be starting some thrummed ones as a gift for a friend.

Dye, Spin, Knit.
Not like this one is a stretch for me. I suppose that makes it the perfect "along" to join. Something was mentioned about extra points for spindle spinning something. Well, I can do that. It's all about the points right. I've been working on this:


Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
What is this knitting that you speak of?
You say there is a race?
Monday at lunch I finished the collar around my black sweater, picked up the sleeve stitches and there it has sat.
Did I ever explain the term "dumbitious"?
It's a phrase that I believe was coined byPink Hair Cyn. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, please
Anyway, it's a combination of dumb and ambitious. As in, so overly ambitious that it really is dumb. Dumbitious.
Folks, I live my life dumbitiously.
I'm supposed to do an update of the shop today and also finish shipping out the club stuff. All the while doing homeschool, making the regular shipments, entertaining a cute baby and trying to attain sanity. Notice I said "trying to attain sanity", I have no delusions where my sanity is concerned. Sanity packed it's bags and left this house long ago.
Sometime later today I'll be updating the shop and then collapsing in my chair blowing spit bubbles and babbling. At least the girls will understand me.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Eating Monday
This one is easy. I mean, really really easy. It's one of those "one pan meals". It's fast and it's a million times better than those bagged or boxed meals from the grocery.
--8 ounces (dry) Brown Rice Pasta *(gluten free) or whole wheat pasta (white is ok too)
--1 cup frozen or fresh peas
--1 can of Salmon or 1 breast of chicken shredded or TVP (moistened) or Tempeh (steamed and crumbled)**
--1/4 cup Nasoya Nayonaise with Dijon or 1/4cup Regular Mayo mixed with 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
--2-3 Tbs of minced onion
3-4 servings
*Brown Rice Pasta is really good. The only thing you have to do is make sure that you don't over cook it or it will get slimy.
**Fresh Salmon or chicken is good for the meat eaters (it doesn't have to be canned. Canned just means you can have this in the pantry waiting until you need it and make fresher meals at other times) - I don't recommend making this with tofu. Tofu doesn't have the right texture or flavor to pull it off.
Cook the pasta, in the last minutes of cooking, dump in the peas. Drain when the pasta is done and the peas are cooked. In the same pot, put in the rest of the ingredients. Stir up and it's ready to serve. I think it takes less than 15 minutes to throw this together. With all it's simplicity it still has a grain, a protein, and a vegetable. I usually use this as a lunch dish. It's as good warm as it is cold. So it makes a great picnic/camping dish.
I finished that black sweater over the weekend.
You see Marta thought she'd challenge me to a little race to the finish on our black sweaters. Seeing how I can't seem to say no, I accepted. I think she knew this. As of the last email I had, she had the body pieces done and was working on sleeves. Yesterday I finished what you see up there, the body and one sleeve.
Last night it was just too much for the eyes to continue working on the black, let alone picking up neck stitches or sleeve stitches. I know, it's a race. I had to stop for a water and a banana. I couldn't keep on running with the black or my eyes would be crossed this morning. My banana and water:
I can't wait to see if Marta stopped for a banana or if her sweater is done.
If you sent me an email in the last week and didn't receive a response...
I downloaded a program to help with adware and general junk on the net. It deleted all my emails in the Inbox thinking it was all bad. I didn't realize it would affect emails and I've now purged it from the system. Still, those emails are gone. I know there were questions and requests. If you know I'm Spunky Eclectic and you haven't received a response, please email me again.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Handknit socks
An intense day in the life of handknit socks.
Once we get them off the feet, we empty out our popcorn bowl (snack) and we put the socks there. We don't want the socks getting dirty on the floor. Of course we eat the popcorn off the floor:
Then because we want them to have a good time, we put them on the rocking toy and give them a ride:
Because someone is just too cute:
And because they've shown sufficient sock love, Mom will make a new pair to love:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
No Rules Here
I said that I wanted to get that shawl done. Not really a specific one, just one of the four I'm working on would suffice. See, I'm not picky. Just get a shawl done.
Yesterday I decided that I wanted to get the Cottonease Cardigan done. I couldn't decide whether I wanted the shawl or the cardigan done more. All I know is, that I picked up the cardigan instead of a shawl.
I soon got bored with the cardigan and remembered why it was set aside. I'm using a "Knitting Pure and Simple" Pattern, which I'm following, except for working between the sizes for the right fit. When working with a pattern that I want to follow I tend to read it and do what it says. I'm a good girl and I can take instruction. I have hours and hours to go on the body, but all this stockinette is boring me.
Then I remembered there are no rules.
I tied up the body and the skein of yarn I was working with and picked up the sleeve stitches.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Monday Cleanup
First I want to thank you for all your comments about our Sweet Minnie girl. I haven't emailed everyone, I read them but got all choked up and it was too hard to write something coherent. Just know that I appreciate and each and every one. She was sick for a few weeks, I know I didn't tell too many how sick she was. Thank you all, it's been a tough year for sure.
On to the cleanup:
My projects tend to linger. I used to be more of the "think it, do it" type but now I think it and forget it. If I think it again, I write it down and lose the paper. If I think it again, write it down again and manage to keep the paper, then it's a project that will eventually get done.
Quite the system? No?
Last year we bought laminate flooring to replace the nasty carpets in our house. The girls rooms got done but when it came to cleaning out our room, we stalled. Our carpets have reached a point, that cleaning will no longer work. I ripped out the 2nd worst carpet. Or the easiest piece to remove:
That was taken while in the middle of rip tear and cut. The man that installed this was very thorough in his stapling of pad, and his creative use of tack strip. I'll take more pictures as I go along. I highly recommend him if you want to keep the carpet for life. Although, right now I want to hunt him down and destroy his little staple gun.
As if that wasn't enough, I did another cleanup on the clothing and got rid of more than 3 large lawn sized trash bags of clothing. That makes more than 6 of that type of bag in the past few months. I still have plenty of clothing. Who knew I had this much clothing? And who knows why I was saving things like these:
Soon, I swear it, soon, the biggest project since I renovated the house, will get under way again. Just the bedroom (the messiest room) and the living room (the nastiest room) to go.
Right here you're expecting a new Monday Cleanup Poll. Well, you're not getting it. I'm shelving the cleanup polls until next year when the cleaning bug strikes again. I don't know about you, but for me, cleaning seems to be all about srping and summer. Fall and Winter are all about good food. So I'll be doing something new on Mondays....
Eating Monday
Each Monday I'll give up at least one recipe. These will not be any old recipe though. They will be low fat, low/no sugar, and really yummy things that I've cooked. Across blogland I've noticed many that are trying to lose weight or working at being healthy in general.
Most of us could eat better. I know the cleaning polls made me think about cleaning a bit more (if not actually doing it). This will hopefully give a boost in the healthy food department.
To kick us off:
Fried Rice
This is great as a side dish for all you carnivores or add meat to it. For you vegetarians/vegans, add the tofu or tempeh and you have a full meal from the wok. While you don't have to use a wok for this, it will have better flavor if you do use a well seasoned wok.
2 cups of precooked rice (brown for the really health conscious)
1 medium red onion - chopped
1 cup of broccoli - bite size pieces.
1 cup of Napa cabbage or bok choy - chopped.
1 cup shredded carrot (bite sized pieces would work too)
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1-2 Tsp Vegetable or Sesame oil
1-2 Tbs Soy sauce (vary to taste)
cubed meat, cubed tofu, cubed tempeh, summer squash, zucchini, most other vegies will work as well. I avoid the nightshades though, for some reason they aren't as good in this.
Using some of the oil, saute the onions. Then add in the mushrooms and cook them down a bit. If you're adding meat or soy substiture you will want to add that in with the mushroom step and not move on until it's cooked most fo the way through. Add in the broccoli and carrots and another vegetable you're adding (not the cabbage yet). When that all has been cooked but is till crispy, add in the rest of the oil, the rice, and the soy sauce. Stir and cook a bit. Add in the cabbage. It just needs a few more minutes and then you can serve.
This is one of my favorite dishes. It's easy and it uses up all that left over rice and it makes a good filling quick lunch.
Geez, this post is making sound positively domestic.
I don't just clean and cook.
I knit and sew too!
Move over Miss Stewart. I know some of you are thinking that I don't really clean but I talk about it. It's true. So if I really take over Martha's show, they'll be some changes. We'll talk about how messy I really am, and then we'll sit down and knit while ignoring the state of the house.
I'm beginning to think I have to many WIP's and UFO's. I had been flitting around from one indecision to another. I just couldn't settle down with
The new goal is to pick a few and stick with them to completion. I've done the manogamy project before but I'm not up for that at the moment. I think sticking to a few at a time will be restrictive enough to get something done, but loose enough that I don't feel stifled.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Goodbye Sweet Lady
Minnerva would really want you to know that she was tough.
I want you to know how special she was to us. She was also probably the toughest dog I've ever known. Smartest and most stubborn come to mind too. Min was also damn cute. So cute in fact that she once crashed a party next door, jumping onto the middle of the picnic table (where people were eating). Instead of people getting angry and shooing her off, there were exclaimations of how cute she is and people were giving her pets and food.
Her buddy Kayla passed on 7 months ago. Min died last night with Husbeast and I with her. While Kayla was my special girl, Min was Husbeast's. Still they were both special to all of us.
Min, may you always have a window to bark out of and a Mailman to chase.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
It's Official
I'm a soccer Mom.
I brought this with me to work on:
But I also brought this:
I did update the shop yesterday too:
Sale on "Learn to Spin Kits"
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The votes are in
Thank you all for validating my whack-a-doodle idea.
There is a story behind the Argyle cow. I promised to tell you and I've been tickled to no end with this name.
The story:
I was talking to a knitting friend after the Fiber Frolic here in Maine, We'll call her J and her husband S, to protect the names of the innocent. J and S had both seen spinners at the Frolic and both thought it was interesting. They both knit but neither had done any spinning yet. Remember, they had been to the frolic so they HAD seen fiber producing animals.
In this conversation with J and S, S talking about how he wanted real Argyle socks. You know, Argyle socks made with yarn that had been spun from real Argyle cows.
S was sure that you got real Argyle from Argyle cows. I had to try and explain that even though some cows are pretty fuzzy, there was no way we would be getting any fleece from a cow that would be spinnable.
For the past few months, the argyle cow has been a source of great giggles. I even made this for a visual sort of teasing:
This is definitely going to be the name on the signpost for the Brick and mortar shop. I do not know yet if the web name will change. For now it is staying Spunky Eclectic. I too really like Spunky Eclectic even if most supply companies call me Spunky Electric. However, with all the talk of the British slang for Spunk.... I'm not really liking the name too much at the moment. If the ickies pass, I'll keep the name. Otherwise the yarns might get a new name. Be it Cow or Boogie, we'll see.
Thank you all for all your help. You all rock and if I could afford to give out free yarn to everyone, I would. Since I can't, I picked out 2 names randomly from those that emailed or commented.
Now for the winners.
Jennifer R. at Craftlily and Suzie (who is blogless).
Thank you all for your great comments on the wheel's paint job. I'll be sure to post more of my paint jobs in the future. I might actually have some spindles available soon. You know I need another spider spindle.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Monday Cleanup
Some of you have no idea what weekend it was last week. Of course, if you're not American, that would make sense. I'm American and I'd have forgotten if husbeast wasn't home an extra day. I'm very proud of those of you that planned projects and actually did some or all of them.
I didn't actually plan on any dubious acts of housecleaning. The only thing I planned to do was to make pickles. I didn't ever go out and get the ingredients to do so. In fact, I still haven't. The local store doesn't have too much of the stuff needed and I'd have needed to go to the next town. Some days it's hard enough to leave the neighborhood, let alone try to go for a 20 minute drive. Let's see if I can get the ingredients before the cucumbers go bad.
This week lets talk about the time it takes to do "around the house projects".
I did projects this weekend. Sort of. I'd been wanting to give Gus a better look. Finally I figured out what he needed painted on him:
If you click the photo you'll be taken to the page for it and see all of Gus's pieces. I took the photos before the final sealing coats were added so it's still in pieces. As soon as I get it back together I'll take a photo of him back together. There are 2 more wheels that I started working on this weekend. They will be the wheels that are getting set up in the shop.
I also got in all the Fricke gear and I have to say that yarn winders are amazing. They even have a counter right on them. The electric winder is bliss. It's incredible. If you've ever been to the Fricke site their wheels might look disappointing, especially when you see the super low price tag. I've started to customize one and the finish and the wheel itself is really quite nice. More pictures to come but if you're interested in a winder or a wheel, email me and I'll take some quick pictures for you.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
It's all about the lace now.
Many people living in blogtown seem to think of lace in spring. So maybe I'm a little late. Or maybe I'm just that far ahead of spring 2007. Actually, I have so much on my plate that saying I'm thinking of spring 2007 might be more accurate.
I know I showed the one lace thing last week but I've got 4 that I'm working on the patterns for and another one that is still cooking in my head.
If I could actually keep with knitting just that one, my internal picture of it might be clearer and I'd have it all set in stone. But no, I have to keep casting on for others. Like this scarf:
Next up is this:
Thank you for all that voted in the poll already. Didn't notice that? I posted it late yesterday, scroll. I've had one name in my head, only I thought I was crazy. Well, now I know from those that voted yesterday that the name is either great or you all are as freaky nuts as I am.
Actually I'm partial to 2 of the names and all of you are making great arguments for your choices. The choice still is going to be a tough one. I swear I didn't even think of what spunk meant in Europe when I first named the business that. Here, it doesn't mean that at all.
So if you didn't vote and you want me to know that you voted then vote and email me. You don't need to tell me your vote in the email. You can keep that secret, I just want an email to add your name to the pot for a prize.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Naming the storefront
Here you go. Your chance to mold the name of my business store front. The online stuff will stay the same. This is really just for the store front.
I need to get this name thing set in stone. I picked out the pottery company's business name pretty quickly and I want to really have a name now that I'll be happy with for a long time.
We're still shooting for February for the large main part to be open but this month I'll have more wheels and spindles set up so people can come play when they call ahead. Fricke and Louet wheels will be set up. I'm putting new ones together this weekend. I know making an appointment can be a pain in the butt. Once the renovation is done then I'll have a huge space and regular hours.
So tell me what you think. And because you all are so cool for helping me out, I'll give a prize of yarn or roving (winner's choice). So vote below and then drop me an email and I'll add your name to the hat. Tuesday I'll announce the winner and hopefully have a name to tell you about.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monday Cleanup
Most of you are pretty careful about cleaning up your glass. I'm glad none of you are careless about it. I like those of you that are intent on plastic. Really I just started to let myself use glass again. For several years I used only plastic because I got down to the last 2 glasses I owned. The glasses have now started to breed and multiply again.
As for the rest of the stuff, the favortie 2 plates in the house seem to be the 2 plastic ones. But that's only because I haven't had time to make us a new pretty pottery set. I'm sure when I make us a set then the plastic ones can be put into the camping box.
On to this week's poll. Labor Day here in the US is some kind of cleaning fixing day. I'm not sure why but all the ads and talk is of fix it projects and cleaning the house. Maybe because the fall and back to school is nipping at our heels.
I do realize that today is Tuesday. For some reason I kept thinking yesterday was Sunday. Which would make today Monday. Until my head catches up, probably around Thursday or so, the days will be a little off.
And just to make sure this isn't a "Cleaning blog" I have knitting. I shudder at the thought of a cleaning blog. Or at least one posted by me. It would be more of a how to make your house a wreck in 3 easy steps. Really, wrecking your house doesn't have to be all that much work if you have one of these:
Thank you Arleta for reminding me how quickly kids grow. I thought I was beating the clock on that one when I fashioned the sweater after a sweatshirt Baby Boogie had that is 18 months sized.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Friday Mish Mosh
So much is going on.
I'm flitting from one project to another. This is what happens without deadlines. I do what I want and I seem to want to do a little of everything.
A while back I finished my August Club. In fact I've finished the sample for September already but you can't see September yet. You do get to finally see my version of "Cool Rain" in South African Fine. I know the photo shows pink and there really isn't any in this roving. That's what happens when you take pictures during a pink sunrise.
The current spinning is for a little Beast sweater. ok, so she's not that little.
This sweater is really little. Oh, the stripey cuteness. I am close to the finish line on this one. Lets see if I can finish it before something else catches my eye.
I've been working on designing a shawl for a while now. I wanted something different than whats out there and I finally figure out what different was to me. Out came the graph paper. I've got the yarn ready to go and the pattern has been charted with good notes. Not that anyone else would understand my scratchings, but I think I can do a shawl from this.