Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Mr. Pinchy
My Dad was playing in his sandbox:
And he noticed a little something in his pond. So he scoooped it up and brought it to me.
No, we're not near the ocean. It was living in fresh water in what can only be described as a puddle. Which Dad is filling in so his little home is gone now.
Since it's been dipping into the freezing temps, the poor little guy wouldn't be alive for long out there in the great big wilderness by his lonesome. So what do I do? I set up the fish tank again. We have done some research. Mr Pinchy is a freshwater crayfish that is probably not native to Maine and may be kept in aquaria
The girls have really been having fun watching Mr.Pinchy try to attack the fish. Yeah, we got fish too. Just a few cheap ones for the wild kingdom atmosphere. Go Mr. Pinchy go.
In other exciting news...
I finished this:
It clicks to make it bigger.
I used my hand dyed merino sport weight which isn't listed yet. I wanted to test the yarn out, I was skeptical of it but now I know it's a really lovely yarn. My intention was to use it as a handwashable sock yarn. This however has made a really soft, nice shawl.
And I love that picot bind off!