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Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I heard that groan.
I don't how the Department of Motor Vehicles is in other countries but here in the US, it's not the most pleasant way to spend half the day. I think I'd rather get teeth pulled.

This story started with me making a 5 minute trip to the Town Offices. My local home town town offices. A quick trip that will only take 5 minutes. Or so I thought.

Through a series of mishaps of which I didn't create I am forced to go to the DMV. The closest of which is a 20 minute drive. I suck it up, call a friend and whine about my fate but I make the drive and arrive at the DMV.

I walk in.
I take my number.
I look at the number being served currently.
I sit down and grab for my knitting.

Where is it?

I can sit here through 20 numbers I think. Right? Sure, I can handle. It's no big deal. Look around. Everyone else can handle it. Pull up your big girl panties and deal with it. Eight minutes later and they just change to serving number 73. I do the math.

Nope, I can't do it. If the week hadn't been so wretched already and if I hadn't been functioning (and I'm using that word loosely here) on a couple of hours of sleep, maybe. Today nope. Boredom aside. I could see myself falling asleep, drool streaming down my chin, number 93 goes by and I wake up when they're closing.
Oh hell no.
What am I going to do?
Think. Think. Think.

Ok, there's this ball of yarn in the car that Baby Boogie plays with. Yes, Baby Boogie has her own yarn and fiber that she loves and plays with. I can take her yarn but what am I going to knit with. I think of using my fingers, do I have pens I can use. It doesn't have to be a good piece of knittign product. I just need the process to keep from getting tossed in the booby hatch.

They're 4 doors down from the DMV.
Sweet, sweet, Joann's.

I go buy a set of needles. Grab Boogie Baby's yarn from car and I sit back down in the DMV. I start a sock. This is a most blissful piece of knitting. I don't care what it's going to be. I just need to be doing it. This is where the project will stay too. That 5 minutes of desperation has left me with new grey hairs and a shorter life span. I know the glove compartment emergency knitting project is something many knitters have. It was something I never thought I'd need. Really, if you don't have one yet, be forwarned.


A copyright is a copyright is a copyright. Don't copy copyrighted things without permission. You'll notice my stuff is all copyrighted. Its all for personal use and that's cool. That's sharing. Copying and selling my pattern is stealing. Same for all designers and their patterns. Play well and don't break copyright law. Share nice.

Sharing certainly doesn't mean you can Steal bandwidth. Hotlinking is very bad.

Share nice and I'll be your buddy, be a troll and I'll torch all your needles.

All graphics, pictures, patterns, text and content on this site are the sole property of Amy A. King © 2003/2004

the web Boogie Knits


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