Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
My Summer Vacation
A report in pictures my Amy Boogie.
The pictures are in no particular order
We visited a bunch of Alpacas who had a goat of their very own. His name was Vernon and he was damn cute too. I should try and find a picture. For now you get the Alpaca with the toupe.

We had lobster. I know you're supposed to start by biting into the back but I always start with the claws.

Baby Boogie got to go to a ton of places. Here she is out to eat where she charmed everyone.

The last night here, Sue wanted to shoot a gun so J took her and my Dad out. This laptop has been dead and shuffled around the house for a while. Finally, it's made it's way to the trash heap.

The dogs were often impatient with us.

Cashmere is sexy. And according to the rest of the family, it's pretty tasty too.

Boogie Girl wanted you all to know that she is very innocent and sweet and behaved so well the whole week. Well, she tried.

We got to pet a giant bunny. 14 lbs! This thing was HUGE!

Everyone made some pottery. I've been having some kiln (oven) problems so nothing is finished.

Best of all...There was a ton of laughing and smiling.