Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Can't Stop....
Over my vacation week I finished a pair of Aran socks and I knit a Mitten/hat set. It was good to get some projects finished but what do I do?
What does a girl do when she has no deadline?
No one was telling me what I needed to knit.
No one was telling me in what time frame I needed to knit it in.
I forgot how to pick my own knitting projects.
Well sort of.
I think it's more like, I forgot any measure of self control over my knitting projects.
If I had self control I would have immediately picked up Baltic or Kelper. Or finished any number of socks that I have started. Or even worked on the mitten that I only have the cuff done.
I started a new project in cotton ease.

I rationalized this project by saying that I wanted a cotton sweater. If I finish it right off then I'll be able to wear it without sweating like a pig. Yeah, that's not a pretty statement but neither is sweating like a pig.
Yet that wasn't enough.

This rationalization is that Miss Baby Boogie needs a new sweater. Sure she has a few that she can wear. Sure she's spending her days lounging around in only diapers. It will be winter soon and she loves wool. She picked out the pink. I swear she did. Take that look off your face husbeast, she did pick it out.
Adrian, I'm blaming you for the stripes. There was suppose to be only one stripe but for some reason I ended up with it all striping. The stripe disease is catchy. I do have a roller and some ink. But I don't I'm that ill with the stripe sickness yet.
Then there is this:

It's going to be a pattern for the shop. I'm not going to tell you what it is yet. It makes it sound more exciting even though it's not really.
This I had technically started a week earlier:

I only had the ribbing done but last night I finished it. And then ripped it all back out to the heel because I didn't like how it fit. I should get back into the habit of trying on my sock more often and maybe I won't have to rip so much. It's ok though. A half dozen decreases and I'll have a tighter fitting foot.
I'll try to update my WIP page with all the stats in case there are questions. I need to update my FO page too. Somes days I feel so far behind it's like I left my butt in 2004.
Have a good weekend and next week I'll update on the fleeces and yarn making.