Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, August 18, 2006
I admit. I love buttons.
I've always loved buttons.
Buttons are quite fantastic and they do make the sweater.
I fully admit all of that.
I just didn't realize that a 6 year old knew that already.
So after spending 2 hours in the button aisle of JoAnn's....(2 hours might be an exageration, husbeast was waiting in the car and I'm sure he would have let us know if it was really 2 hours.)

There may be a few extras in there that don't have a match yet. There is something about being in a button area that makes go nuts. Thankfully I didn't have a basket or I might have had more. As it was, I had all that my little hands could carry. Here's how some of them match up:

And now I have a button sickness.
That one sweater there on the far left isn't even a cardigan. It's a gorgeous sweater that was knit for me by the incomparable Anj knit for me. Little ole me got a handknit sweater and here I am wanting to chop it up. If Anj hadn't given me back the left over yarn, this wouldn't even be an option. But since it is and I'll wear a cardi more, I'll be steaking and making bands. Button sickness.
Tell me if I'm wrong, these buttons need to be on this sweater:

The other sweaters in that photo are planned as cardi type sweaters so the button sickness doesn't seem as bad. What does seem bad is that right now I feel like I need to go back. I'm thinking of all the yarns I have waiting and thinking of all the fantastic buttons I saw that would match them so well.
Actually, I'm thinking of going someplace different from JoAnn's. I want to go to this place in Freeport. It's a dangerous place. It has all buttons and ribbons. Anj, I don't know why I didn't think of this place when you were here. It's very cool and very dangerous at the same time. But now I feel the need to go. Forget that I have enough buttons to last me the rest of the year. I feel the need for more.