Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
White Rabbit
I'm late
I'm late
I'm late for a very important date!
I feel like the crazy white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.

As many have said Alice in wonderland is all about drug addictions, we are talking about my drug addiction. That's right, I'm not just a pusher but I'm also a user. I freely admit. I use wool and I'm not ashamed to admit it!
Have you noticed the ticker at the top of my page? The Maine Fiber Frolic is coming up next weekend. I want new fleeces, but there is a rule. I need to finish/start processing last years fleeces before I get new ones. Damn rules. Always rules. And I never break rules. If you believe that then I need to keep around so I can have someone blindly back me up in whatever I say
I feel like that ticker is ticking really LOUD and I'm running late.
Well, the sun is shining and the wool is calling. Today I'll pick over and wash my Corriedale from last year. With that done, I can get a couple more fleeces.
Shut up white rabbit. I may be late but I'm gonna get it done.