Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesdays always seem to be so darn busy. I just don't seem to have time to post. I'm running around doing this and that, getting shipments ready, doing little daily morning activities and then starting work. I do this everyday so I don't know why Wednesdays feel more busy than other days. Maybe it's that over the "hump" feeling. Maybe it's the "If I get caught up today then maybe by Friday I can work just a half day."
Maybe Wednesdays are just out to "get me".
That's got to be it. Can't you just see Wednesday chasing me down. I have to be more vigilant now. I move quite a bit slower and if I trip, Wednesday will surely get me. I have no idea what Wednesday will do to me if it does get me but I'm sure it's something wretched like putting moths into my wool or breaking all my wooden needles.
Wednesday's a bitch folks.
Don't let it fool you.
Wednesday is a tricky day. Lulling you to believe its all lollipops and sugar plums with it's "humpday" title. One would think that something called "humpday" would be a fun day. It's very misleading.
Watch out, I don't want Wednesday to catch you either.
I realized I haven't shown you what I've been knitting on lately. I haven't had much knitting time. With the heat making it impossible some days and my sleepiness make it hard the other days, not much is getting done. I can say it's all socks and kids clothing.

It's not the best picture but it was taken yesterday while I was still running from Wednesday. Let's hope I don't have to run away from any other days of the week.