Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Queen M has convinced me to wear pink, to paint a bedroom pink, and in general make more pink things. Pink has always been that girly color that I shied away from. I have bits of pink all over the place these days.
Now she has me in love with sparkling yarns. I'm looking at all the wool I have and I want to card in some Angelina. Everything needs sparkles! That yarn of hers was so nice to spin and it really is pretty:

The picture may seem odd to some. It's was my "frosting" entry into Fiber Friday. As coincidence may have it, this is pretty close to how M wants her Birthday cake to look. Sparkly and pink.
After we dragged her off her new swing set Saturday night because it was raining, I gave her the yarn. I think it helped to console her that she wasn't on the swings. She spent the rest of her night hugging yarn and looking out the window at her swing set.