Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Please excuse my absence yesterday. I had been melted into a puddle. Going from really cold weather to really hot weather with 90% humidity melted me. I didn't think it could happen. I always thought it was a statement used by the dramatic; "I'm just gonna melt if this heat continues". Well, now you can say you know someone who melted in the heat.
It really isn't easy to get all those molecules back into human form either. It took several tries but now I at least know what I'd look like if my arms were on top of my head instead of at the ends of my shoulders.
My arms seemed to be the hardest thing to position right. At one point they looked to be in a good position to cut my hair. Unfortunately I think my brain was still in the puddle somewhere. One bald spot later and my head is a lot cooler. Unfortunately I didn't hide the scissors after the cut (too busy getting the arms right) and Queen M had decided she'd be cooler with a new 'do' as well. She may feel cooler but she doesn't look 'cool'. I have to try and fix that today which may involve the clippers or just leaving her that way until it grows out, again. I had a talk with her about not cutting her own hair for the fourth time. Someone might need to have that talk with me too.
I've been working on a couple of projects. Baby sweaters, spinning sparkly yarn, and socks. The baby sweaters might be for publication so I'll have to hold off on showing those. I'm hoping for yarn photos tomorrow so today you get socks.
The next sock for the Six Sox Knitalong was announced last week. As soon as I finished the spirals I started on the sock for that. I've missed so many of their socks because I got too busy with other projects. I can't believe I neglected socks. I should be lashed a thousand times.

It may not be the best picture but it is the best picture I'm going to post at this time.
Now I need to go work and try not to become a puddle again. I've heard that if you've melted once your molecules are much more used to the heat and you won't become a puddle again. I'll let you know if it's a lie.