Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I know I've mentioned my theories on cleaning, or rather not cleaning, many times before. I've validated your desires not clean in comments and I've mentioned it in forums many times. Cleaning is evil.
My list of 20:
1. Cleaning and organizing make it hard for me to find patterns and yarn. Things should not be put away. I like being able to find my stuff.
2. Cleaning makes me sneeze and wheaze. Blegh, dust.
3. Cleaning means there is less dog hair on the floor, therefore less cushioning for tired feet.
4. Cleaning makes the dogs tired, they have to run from the big bad vaccuum and then when I'm done it takes quite a bit of effort for them to make things dog stink comfortable again.
5. Cleaning scares the dogs. At their advanced ages, I'm afraid one of these days they'll have a heart attack from the fright.
6. I have to pick stuff up like rugs, toys, dog beds, etc.
7. I have to put everything back when I'm done.
8. If you aren't going to do it right, why bother. I don't move furniture and when I dust I don't move stuff. See, I'm not worthy enough to clean.
9. I could slip and fall on a wet tile floor. Cleaning is a hazzard.
10. The vaccuum uses electricity, conserve, don't vaccuum.
11. Cleaning chemicals are bad for the environment.
12. The money spent on cleaning materials would be better spent on yarns and fibers.
13. Cleaning doesn't mean it stays clean. Everything just gets dirty again. Doesn't it really make it seem pointless.
14. If I clean, I'm putting a housekeeper out of work. No, I've never had a housekeeper, but I do dream of one.
15. If I start cleaning and don't get to finish, it just makes the areas left over look that much worse.
16. Dirt needs a place to live too.
17. Organizing makes me look anal. No one wants to look anal.
18. The dogs can clean the dishes, why should I have to?
19. Contrary to popular myths, missing things are rarely ever found by cleaning.
20. Cleaning is a complete waste of time. I could and should be doing other things like knitting, spinning, or shopping for more yarns and fibers.
I know you probably have a million reasons why you hate cleaning too. Really it's a horrible activity that should totally be abolished. Lately I've scared the heck out of myself. They say pregnant chicks do what is called nesting. People clean the oddest things when they're nesting. I never nested when I had Queen M. My mom came over and cleaned my house while I was in the hospital so that my baby wouldn't come home to an unlcean house.
I'm scared. I'm nesting. This is horrid. I've cleaned the house twice in a two week span. I've organized my patterns. I've organized my yarns and cloth. It's all quite frightening. I fear I've finally lost my last hold on sanity. Even husbeast is getting worried about this whole cleaning thing I've fallen into.
Someone help me, I'm cleaning. Please tell me it will pass. Please tell me as the placenta goes, so goes the cleaning/nesting problem.
I don't want to scare you too much. I did find time to go to my LYS's anniversary sale. It was a nice little stash enhancement expedition.

The first enhancement of the day was a pattern and yarn for Reynold's Blossom Cardi or Pullover. I blame the hormones for everything I had to get.