Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Lots of Wool
You know you dye too much when:
You're cooking some cookies in the oven for a change and your 4 year old daughter says "Our oven can cook other things than wool?". And she wasn't trying to be sassy. She really was surprised to find out our oven isn't just for wool. Then she even made me open it up and prove there was something other than wool in there.

It's nice to see it all air dried and ready to spin spin spin.

Of course it's also pretty pleasing in a giant rainbow heap. I could probably lose a child in there. Good thing no one is allowed to play in the sudio with this stuff. I used to think I kept everyone away for the cleanliness of the wool. Now I understand a mountain of wool could fall at any time. If you shouldn't hear from me in a day or 2 don't bother to send a rescue party, I'll be happily pinned under a mountain of wool.

I also got around to dying some wool for me. Blue Faced Leicester wool to be exact. Can I get a collective "Mmmmmm" on that? I wish you all had touch screens because this stuff really does need to be fondled. Anyway if you notice there is a book showing some mittens under the wool balls. Those would be the Mitones Ivenos from Andean Knits. As soon as I get the yarn made I'll start those mittens. Of course, this will be after husbeast's socks are done. OK Husbeast? I think he's been feeling sock neglected.
**I've noticed that if you read this in Internet Explorer there is something wrong with the format. I use Mozilla so I didn't notice it. I'm trying to figure it out.**