Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Little Amy King
Little Amy King sat on a ring,
knitting a pizza pie,
Went to the post, pulled out the most,
And said "What a lucky girl am I!"
Can you tell I might be listening to far too many little kids rhymes? I think that tape played over and over and over and over today. It might just turn up missing in the next day or two if this pattern should continue.
The rhyme did have a purpose though. It's my, not so, clever way of introducing some new gifties into the house.
First my Mom came home from running errands with a little gift. She said she couldn't pass it up and I agree. If I had a vehicle, I would have driven back to Kmart and cleaned them out to send as gifts to my favorite sheep lovers.

What is it you ask?

Check out that flame!
It's a refillable lighter for the grill.
Isn't it the coolest lighter ever?
Next I got a package from Roxie.

She's just too sweet. Thank you oodles. This will surely keep the Boogie Babe warm this winter. I loved this hat when I saw she was knitting it. It's also her handspun yarn. She sells this yarn folks, very nice colorways. She also didn't forget the Queen M. I had to wait until M was busy so I could take a picture, she didn't want to give it up.
My last surprise of the day came from the ever wonderful husbeast. My Dad thinks that husbeast spoils me. I tend to agree but I wouldn't ever tell him to stop. Don't you say anything either, ok? My super man was buying himself a book and decided to throw one in for me. Amazon kicks but with their wish list and how you can rate what you want.
He bought me Andean Knits
This book is truely very cool. I think my next small knit will be mittens instead of socks. I just need to get going on spinning some yarn to make the "Mittens from Ivo" then maybe I'll use some of the CVM I got from Spirit Trails to make "Socks from Ivo". This book has just added a whole slew of knits to my want list.
If all men were this sweet, there would be a world full of happy enabled knitters. That is my wish for all you fiber enthusiasts out there. I want you all the be fully enabled and happily so.
Yes, I am one happy enabled spinner/knitter.