Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Fiber Frolic
I've had that ticker up there, tick tick ticking away the days.
Do you notice what it says today?
Yup, tomorrow is the day.
I'll be there all day helping Jen at the Spirit Trail Fiberworks booth. Stop in and say "hi". Then oggle at all the rare breed wools and the gorgeous handpainted yarns.
Speaking of Jen's fabulous hand painted yarns....
I'm planning my next pair of socks using some of her fabulous yarn that the fabulous Anj got me for Christmas. I can't believe I didn't knit with it right away, I think I had "too many sock shock" around the holidays. Now I just need a pattern to use with this:

The patterns in the running are:
1. Crusoe from Knitty
2. The beaded socks like Margene did (and I didn't) along with the six sox knit along.
3. Clover lace rib socks like these that I did for M last year.
4. Something else enitirely.
I'd like to start these over the weekend, assuming I finish Dad's socks (or not). We'll see what I decided on Monday.

You see my lucky 4 leaf clover plant. It's grown a few with 5 leaves. Miss Pippi Knee Socks, I'm bringing a few of these with me tomorrow. Let's see what amazing thing I can find in the used equipment. It just has to work.