Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Blue Jean Girl
I love my blue jeans; worn, boot cut, low rise, comfy, fraying hems, real blue jeans. I don't want to wear anything else. With a heavy heart I know I needed to set my old friends aside and wear maternity pants. Just the sound of it "maternity pants", makes my butt sag. Yes, it's the pants that make my butt sag not gravity.
I've been wearing maternity type pants for a month or so but not the real ones. After I set my blue jean friends aside, I got a few pairs of the still semi "hip" looking boot cut maternity jeans. These didn't have that giant tummy panel in the front. They had an elastic waistband. Surely these will last me through pregnancy.
Increasingly I've had more belly aches. I've come to realize that part of the problem is the low rise early pregnancy maternity pants. It's not an easy realization. I know the tags said to wear them only until month 6 but I'm not even there yet. If you took a gander at the picture I linked to above, you'll realize how really unattractive that is. Many maternity tops will cover those panels but not all. The only solution is to make my own pants.
Cut out pants....check
The serger was there, just not willing to work. What a pain! I want my serger to work. So naturally I call it every name in the book. I stare at it. I threaten it. How do you threaten a serger? Why with doing something like THIS. Isn't that an ingenous use of a sewing machine motor. Miss Pippi Knee Socks rocks.
Anyway, it scared little Miss Serger into working. It worked on one seam and then it crapped out again. That's it! I got Mr. Screw driver. It's going to be a working wheel if it won't work to sew!
I open it's little doors to see where to begin. And what did I find?

My serger has been eating bunnies. I had no idea.
I appologized for all the swearing and name calling. Then I cleaned out all the bunnies. I sat down and had a heart to heart talk with little Miss Serger. We've discussed it and agreed that a vegetarian diet will be much better. I've also agreed to take Little Miss serger out for runs more often. I think with the dietary changes and regular exercise, she'll be much healthier.
By the time I finished cleaning I was too tired to do any actual sewing. Cleaning wears me out faster than anything else. Geez just thinking of it is making me yawn. I do have a couple of shirts that I completed a while ago.

Right: Ramones reconstructed "t" with a V-neck lapped bodice
Middle: I love NY with a skull, boat neck and ruched sides.
Left: Batik material using a commercial pattern Simplicity 5106
Hopefully Little Miss Serger and I will be getting along today and I can show you some sexxxxay pants that are worn well over the belly. Oh yeah, I'm hot stuff.