Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, March 25, 2005
That is the only word that can describe the past couple of days. The weekend looks like it's going to be just as busy. But mostly I've been working. Letting myself be sick has gotten me quite behind so there's no more of it and I'm working to try and catch up.
Since I didn't get to the SPA I have a bunch of stock that can be sold. I've started to list that on Ebay.
Bags, bags and more bags.
and then I have a new series of kits that I was going to take with me.
There are a bunch of backpacks (going up today)
and spindle bags too.
I have a ton more to list and about 30 bags half finished (Metro, Acadia, Spindle bags and Collegiates). Slowly but surely those will get done and listed. Most are fabrics that I picked up specifically for the show and aren't listed on the website.
Then comes the stash clearance.
Pregnancy came as a shock. I had just just turned our 3rd bedroom into a fiber room and stocked it. Well, now I have to move it all out and there is no where for it to go. Large lots of roving that I had set aside for sweaters and several smaller lots that I had planned to use for socks. Not to mention there is just so much yarn. I'm going to try and whittle the yarn stash down by as much as I can. We'll see what I'm actually able to let go of. I'll give you a heads up when I have more of that done. I might try and put up a page here instead of heading over to ebay first. You guys deserve a first chance for reading my prattle day in day out.
Last but not least I picked up a line of spindles to go with my roving. Cascade Spindle Company is just about finished creating my order and they should be arriving in a couple of weeks. They will be listed on the Spunky Eclectic site.