Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
What's that?
I've been seeing it all over the place. Ahhh, an agreement not to buy yarn. Similar to the good ole Yarn Diet. The Atkins of the knitting world.
I haven't bought yarn (except for stuff to give as gifts) in about 5 weeks. I don't plan on buying any yarn any time soon either. My lovely SP3 did give me a gift certificate to Elann. Thank you, you were a great secret pal. So if I can't help it and I need yarn, I won't need to spend money, I can use my gift certificate. But really I don't need yarn. I need to get spinning and use up some of my wool.
I won't be joining the YNBA group though. You see that would make me break my idea of not buying yarn. Why? It all goes back to having the mentality of a teenager. "You aren't going to tell me what to buy and when". Even if it's myself telling me. Confused yet? For some reason, I just can't follow through when I make an official pact. I'm just that way. Yes, I need professional help.
What is going to keep me from buying yarn?

Yes, that is a ton of wool. It should last me about a year. I've been dying it in bunches to make sweaters. Lots and lots of sweaters. And some yarn to share too. The big bag of Red stuff is the same wool as I'm using for Carissa. I dyed an extra kilo because after working with this color scheme so much, I need a sweater from it too.

This is a lovely rainbow of a bunch of wool that I've got all dyed and awaiting some love. Yes, if you click on it you will get a blast of color. Careful, its huge.

This came from Carissa. It's what I got in the yarn trade. I know its all still in the boxes. I'm afraid that if i play with it to much i'll have to start working with it and then no one will get their xmas gifts.

Ok there's another 8 pounds. And that's the last shot of wool stash. There is more but it would take too long to take all the pictures. I couldn't even tell you how much more I have, I just know that it's all over the place. A little here and a little there. In small doses it doesn't look like alot. Like that rainbow picture above. I didn't think I had that much. Eeeeps.
So you see, no more yarn for the Boogie.
I need to get my fingers and gear and spin spin spin. As soon as xmas gifts are done though, I'm breaking into those boxes from Carissa. I already have the first sweater all planned out. It's killing me to stare at these boxes and not play with the yarn. Carissa was incredibly generous to give me the yarn before I gave her hers. I'm on the last 600 yards.
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