Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
FO pictures

Oh, doesn't look like I'm wearing the vest?
Looks like Spongebob in his buffpants?
You're right. I decided after wearing the vest for 30 minutes that it just had to be blocked. I also decided I had to take a picture anyway because I had a good hair day. Good hair days are far and few between for this girl who's used to styling her hair by shaving it off. Too bad you can't tell that its black with bright red highlights. ahh well, a girl can't have it all.
This is a fiber blog. Yes, it is.

That's the husbeast Manly Sleeves. I'm working up the red stripes. I have 24 rows with increases before I get to the end caps with all those much anticipated decreases.
Ahhh, sweet decreases.
What Elise said. I noticed right away the highlights! I did magenta a while back and love it.
I think your hair looks fabulous, I love it. The vest too, btw. Have to say Sponge Bob looks pretty cool too though.
Beth (Big Geek) I got a spinning wheel Amy! YIPIEEEEEE. Sorry, enough about me, Your hair looks great. I want to also congradulate you on 2 magazines having blurbs in them about your bags!! Way to go!!!! (You are probably saying, shut up and buy one!)
Alas the bags featured in the knitting mags are not my bags. Someone chose a very clever name. Boogie is just my nickname and not my company name. My company is Spunky Eclectic. I hope it doesn't cause too much confusion.
I noticed the great hair as soon as your pic came up on Bloglines BEFORE I even read your post. I've barely done diddly squat to my hair for the past two days so I'm glad to see someone is having a good hair day :) Lets share a toast of champagne when the husbeast sweater is all seamed up!
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