Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
United Projects of Boogie that is. We're a small part of the US but not forgotten.
Amy brought up some very scary issues in Tuesday's comments. I'm not sure The UPB can handle all that. We are hoping for a smooth election with very little fan fare. The lawyers are looking into some of the issues. The rest I can answer easily. November 2nd (12midnight PST)is your last day to vote and enter into the contest. The results will be announced the following morning of November 3rd.
If you haven't cast your vote and entered the contest, you can email here. Don't worry you have a few days left. As for the party and who is invited, that will be left up to the winners. If there are parties the UPB will not responsible for any damages, singed wool, lost stitches, etc.
You probably want to know what the prizes are too if you are entering the contest. All names that are sent to that email and only that email (that way I know you want to enter the contest) will be put into a hat and a grand prize winner will be drawn. They will get their choice of handspun yarn or roving and a sheepy mug.
Now that all the details are out of the way, do you want to see what your candidates are up to? Sure you do.

Glove/Mitten Party is warming hands across America. They are driving around waving and spreading the message. I don't know where their secret service detail went to, but do you see the second mitten in the back of the car. It's a little further along then that since the photo was taken yesterday afternoon. Well, actually they're done. These 2 candidates are not only handsome but are full of personality. Their language can get a little colorful and there is some rumor going around started by these two being seen holding hands quite a bit. They do seem to be awful close.

Kissing babies and pandering to the patriots. Your candidates for a warmer America are doing their stumping pushing a very clear traditional American message. Warmth for everyone. I think they mean it too. I think they truly mean to help keep us warmer. Too bad they were marred by FB's drinking and acrylic tendencies. This is still being brought out to try and smear the good names of Manly and Harvest. It's true that one bad apple can ruin the whole bushel. We'll just have to wait and see if they can overcome this to come out on top.

Working out on the farm. They are spreading their message of keeping traditions alive by helping farmer Brown out with his animals. You can see CW carrying buckets of grain to fill the trough and Scolf is in there mucking out the cow barn. I think farmer Brown was clearly in it for the help and The shawl party is being accused of posing for pictures. I mean, who wears lace out in the barn? They are being accused of never stepping foot in a barn before and completely staging this for the publicity. CW defends herself by stating that her in-laws have a farm and she helps out there often. I'll let the people decide.
Ok, so now its up to you to decide. I hope you plan to vote before or on November 2nd.
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