Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Monday, January 12, 2004
Handcuff me, take me away, do Something!
Someone really needs to stop me. Why do I keep starting more projects? What is this strange compulsion? I eventually finish them all but I think I just love to start new things. What did I start this time? A baby cardigan. I had found this hat that I had done a ways back and the rest of the skein of yarn so I cast on for a little cardigan. Of course I had to change the pattern I found. I wanted it to have cables and I may add pockets as well. The size looks as though its coming out as a 9-12 month size. Which will be good. So many people give tiny baby clothes when Lisa will be happy to find this sweater once all the other gifts have been outgrown. I hope to make a bonnet/hood/hat to match since I really don’t like this hat. The pic was taken on a doll that wears the same size clothing as a 3 month old, its pretty handy to have around,but as you can see the doll is a bit smaller than the items I have here.
I’ve made some bloggy changes. I’ve added patterns that I’m working on. So if anyone wants them and gets it done before I do, please let me know how it turns out and if I need any changes. For the curious sorts out there, I’ve made a list of things about me that might help you get to know who I am. I hope to have a picture gallery of some of the clothing soon. So have a look around.