Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Stick and stones may break my bones but I simply cannot knit them
So here I am I've been slaving away today. Working on this stuff for ebay and I'm going to put up some stuff adjacent to this blog so I can sell them off of ebay. Can you believe that some people don't like ebay ::shocked expression:: ok so maybe not that shocking, but I live in the country and buying yarn on there is just so easy and I don't have to leave the house.
Here's the shawl that I really need to work on. The fabulous Miss M is watching her cartoons and doesn't want to play but I know I cannot concentrate on the lacy shawl. So here's what it looks like so far.
Its from "folk shawls". Its so much prettier than the pic in the book. I'm wondering if the picture in the book was taken of the back side and not the front. because the back of this looks like the pic in the book.
Anyone that says acrylic doesnt hold up is silly. I took it as a challenge to knit some and see how they lasted, plus the yarn was only 1.66 per skein and one skein will make 1 pair for me plus one small sock for miss M. These socks have done better than most that I buy from the store. Hotsox is definitely an ok buy.
I need to try and find some doll knitting patterns, as if I don't have enough to do. M got an early present, a doll that she is in love with and I think it needs some sweaters. Sweaters that are for the doll are definitely lower on the list of xmas presents to finish. I think this afternoon when M takes a nap I'm going to finish sewing her pj's, jeans, and maybe figure out some dress for her. Anyway, since I'm overloading this thing with pics I figured I'd post this as well.
On to knitting, I hope to finish the hat with a bow today and maybe Vanessa's sweater since its so close to completion (I just can't bring myself to work on it. I hate eyelash yarn).