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Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Old Knitters never quit

My neighbor isn’t exactly old but this past year she suffered 2 strokes within 2 months. She always knitted dishcloths and little kitchen towel thingies and gave them out at Christmas. I had bought myself some kitchen cotton thinking I was going to need to be knitting my own this year. I was surprised to get some (I was told I got the nicest ones out of anyone else in the neighborhood, I feel special). Marge is a sweet lady and she has persevered. Some of the cloths are very nice and others are very odd shaped and with holes, still usable but not pretty. I’m going to take one of these and put it in the back of my drawer. Not because its ugly, I’m happy to use it along with all the others. I’m saving it to remind myself of how precious our talents are and if something ever happens to disable me I hope I can look at this and find some strength.

Knitterly: I’ve got the first sleeve of Sonnet done. Moira tried on her sock and it looks good but her foot is bigger than I thought. Yipes. So I have a ways to go. Mom helped me wind up her sock yarn yesterday, I just need to pick out a pattern, I don’t want to do a plain sock I want something a little fancierJ made a smartass comment about sweaters so while I was going to start on his sweater soon I’m going to make another for me once Sonnet is done, I’m going to need to do another swatch for gauge since Moira thought the little square of material looked fun and lost it somewhere in this house.

Most of my time is being taken up with the sewing and yesterday I made some stitch holders. I had made a set for myself over the summer because I hated my red and blue plastic ones, not to mention that I constantly lost them. Nice handmade ones don’t seem to get lost as easily, or I at least keep track of them better. So I made a few more to sell along with the needle rolls and knitting carryall bags. I took a few pictures but they look fuzzy. I need to work on my picture taking before I get them on ebay or to even show here.
Jay just gave me my birthday gift. Tickets to go see Henry Rollins spoken word in February. Very cool. Now I know why he was asking what dates I had free. He’s seen Rollins a couple of times but this will be my first, well I did see him and the Rollins band on their tour doing Black Flag songs, this is different. We have a bunch of CD’s and I think one video of his spoken word so this will be cool to see him live. It’s a big venue too, at least we have seats at 2nd row.
So it’s the last day of 2003 and I feel I need to mention it. Goodbye year, don’t let the door hit your shiny hiney on your way out. I’m looking forward to a good new year. This is the year I get rid of my debt (I hope). I’ve decided to quit Weight watchers for a while. I’m a lifetime member having hit my goal and kept it for a year and then I get off the BC pill and my weight goes crazy. So I’ve been paying the penalties for a while and I’m sick of it. It will be cheaper to pay the re-registration fee in March or so and hopefully I will be at goal. Mom didn’t help by giving me a cake yesterday, my weakness. So now I’m getting back on track and maybe I’ll fit in my jeans and sweaters soon.


A copyright is a copyright is a copyright. Don't copy copyrighted things without permission. You'll notice my stuff is all copyrighted. Its all for personal use and that's cool. That's sharing. Copying and selling my pattern is stealing. Same for all designers and their patterns. Play well and don't break copyright law. Share nice.

Sharing certainly doesn't mean you can Steal bandwidth. Hotlinking is very bad.

Share nice and I'll be your buddy, be a troll and I'll torch all your needles.

All graphics, pictures, patterns, text and content on this site are the sole property of Amy A. King © 2003/2004

the web Boogie Knits


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