Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, December 05, 2003
A hat a day will keep the doctor away
I love hats. Hats hats hats. I think its evident in how many hats I make. how many hats I want to make. or maybe i'm just in search of the perfect hat for myself. Maybe I'm turning into the crazy hat lady. Many people might remember that I've had a hat "thing" for a long time but I dont look good in most hats - getting better now that I have some length to my hair. You see, I am the idiot in all the stores trying on all the hats and vogueing in the mirrors, sucking in my cheeks, arms on my hips, dancing back and forth, dramatic turns, ending finally with that sexy glance over my shoulder, *mwah*. Throw the hat back ont he rack, grab another and do the routine all over again.
I made the kitty hat pattern last year and that was perfect then, still making them for everyone. Now I'm, feeling like I need a new hat. I love the hat I made for Anj, My knitting penpal and KR secret santa. I think I might look in my vintage milinery books for some more vintage hats. One of them might work for me, or maybe I'll make one similar to that of Anj's hat. I'll post pics here as soon as I know she has it - can't ruin any suprises. I did knit another cute hat I put up for sale. (i'll reduce its size after its gone)
I plan on posting the pattern for this too, once i get it written. I have my notes for all these things but I'm not sure how many people can follow my scramblings.