Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I always find myself looking to the skies...and looking onward.
The new blog is up and running.
I'm still learning tons about php and making the necessary changes.
If it looks drastically different in a day or even in the next 5 minutes, don't worry, I'm just having a bout of indecision.
I wanted to make this post and give a warning, I need to do some major maneuvering to get the archives over at their new home. I might lose them all in the process or do something to kill the blogspot blog. I know it's unlikely but you never know with me.
So change update your bloglines with
If you're a livejournal reader then I've syndicated the new blog there at Boogie Knitting Remember with LJ that if you comment there, I can't read your comments.
Friday, February 02, 2007
New Spindle Magic
What can drag a baby away from Dora?

New Spindles:

Did you see a million blogger posts yesterday and also earlier in the week? I have my blog running at wordpress, but it's not pretty. I keep messing with themes and colors and oh my. Hopefully over the weekend I'll get my archives over there, make it all pretty and presentable for guests.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Project Spectrum

Project Spectrum starts today. I love this knit along. My life revolves around color in case you're new here. I think it was especially cool to see so many in blogland knitting in color with this project last year. This year will be especially interesting to see what people do with the color combinations.

The kit I designed for this month are Lacy mittens in Alpaca. In a new colorway called storm clouds.

Joni did a fantastic job knitting them. I also knit a pair in the Texas yarn. You won't see mine because I did them in the Club's colors for February (which doesn't ship for another 20 days). I'll bring them to SPA with me. If you go to that, you'll get a sneak peak at February's colors.
If you couldn't find the "Big Ball" sweater yarn. You can find it in the Worsted and the Chunky sections of my website. Or if you want a different colorway you can email me to work on colors or choose from some of the existing colorways on my Custom yarn page.
If this post is wonky or any others are then it's bloggers fault. Like, all my archives have been inaccessable. I've been trying not to switch to the new blogger (I'll los the look of my blog) and they automatically changed a bunch of stuff on me.
I've been trying to switch over to wordpress but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. For some reason I just can't get it to come up.I've been pulling my hair trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Eventually I'll wave good bye to blogger because of the changes they're making. I may not have any hair by that time, but we're usually ok with that.