Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, January 05, 2007
It's that time of the year
Everyone is talking stash and FO's. They're talking about a great desire to finish up their UFO's or as Scout suggests, Just Frog it!.
Then there are all those that are setting up groups where you talk of yarn diets and stash only knitting pledges.
Of course there are bunches of other groups that are centered around clearing up the stash, the UFO's and WIP's. I admire you all for putting your
I have a tendency to rebel against these things. Even though I have a crazy stash (I'm still working on cataloging it all), you won't see my name up there. Rules are made to be broken. I'm on the anti-diet. While I really want to finish UFO's and knit from stash, I know I'm a rule breaker. If I sign up, you know I'll cast on for 12 projects and go on a yarn buying spree just to give myself some cushion to survive it. You have your yarn diet, I'll be over here on the wool pig plan stuffing the rafters with bags of yarn.

I wish I had a good knitting project to show you. The big project of this week has been to organize the shop. I don't think I've gotten much knitting done. All my knitting time has been eaten up with organizing. It's looking better though: