Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Eating Monday
I'ts been a long time since I've done one of those. It feels like it's been months since we've had a full work week. I've been cooking and eating so I have plenty of recipes to share. Last Friday I started to feel really sick and well, Saturday I was a couch jockey but this soup helped immensely. Unfortunately, I ate it all before remembering to photograph it.
Boogie Hot and Sour Soup
1 lg Onion
2 cups Mushrooms
3 stalks Celery
1-2 Summer squash (or Zuchinni)
4 large Carrots
1/4 Cup Red wine vinegar
2-3 T Good Soy Sauce like Shoyu
1-2 teaspoon Ginger if it's dry - fresh you can use 1/2 teaspoon
1-3 teaspoons red pepper Flakes
1-3 teaspoons Cayenne
1 teaspoon Black pepper
1 teaspoon Corriander
2 Cans of Vegie Broth
Saute the vegies - adding them to the pan in the order that they show up in the recipe. When they're starting to cook down add all the rest of the ingredients. Sauteing the vegies isn't entirely necessary but it creates a different flavor that is worth the effort. If you want protein in your dish, flesh needs to be cooked before you toss in all the vegies, tofu can be added in at the end.
The key to this dish is to let it simmer on low for at least 3-4 hours. I mentioned to Miss Purlewe that the soup was good but didn't make the back of my teeth ache like a good sour soup should (say that 5 times fast). I had eaten a bowl for lunch on Friday about an hour after starting it. My bowl for supper was much better and had that good back of the teeth ache. yum.
I did some of that this past weekend. Very little though. Since I was sick and off on Friday and Saturday, I worked Sunday. I also did very little knitting. I laid down on the couch with an afghan and watched Band of Brothers. I did manage to finish Dad's sock though.