Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Monday Cleanup
Hopefully some of you are really on vacation this weekend (holiday weekend here in the US) and you won't be working. I'm only working a half day today and tomorrow so that's the extent of my vacation time.
Quite a few of you last week let me know just how much you would not like to be covered in mud. I know others that have the same aversion to uncleanliness. I, however, do not live in that camp. I love mud. I'm perfectly happy being dirty. I'm not entirely happy with it when it's not of my choice. The mud sinking quicksand deal was NOT of my choice.
So how did I handle the dirt?
I stripped in my backyard, frightening birds and small mammals. I then hosed off my pants after I took a long hot shower. The pants have been washed twice and they still have a brown tint. I'm glad I at least rinsed them or they'd be all brown.
This week, I take you outside to think about your vehicles. Car, truck, van, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, etc.... How clean do you keep it?
On to knitterly things...
I'm trying to free some needles. I want to start new socks but I can't unless I buy new needles. Again. If I didn't already have a gazillion sets, I would have no problem buying new ones. Obviously, since I've done that before. Quite a few times before.
I've decided the smart thing to do would be to finish up some projects. Particularly I want my favorite needles free from these: