Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Korner Knitters and a small contest
Once again I forgot to bring the camera with me. Silly me. And we had a good time. First stop was Korner Knitters in Standish. I did a little bit more than just look around. But like I said I added a couple new people to the sock gift list. Its justified, really it is.
This shop is a great little shop. Packed in every little nook and cranny is yarn. They have the higher end yarns all the way down to Paton's (which I really like). There was plenty of novelty yarns and a few specialty yarns that I hadn't seen. They had a few sock yarns that my LYS doesn't carry. I knew they were out there because I had seen them online, but seeing them up close made them highly desireable. There also was a new yarn , Anna sock yarn, that I hadn't heard of before, very pretty.
There were some nice samples knit up and a modest stock of buttons that kept M occupied for a good long time. The staff was friendly too. They were sweet to M and that is always a plus in my book. I hate it when stores are poops to kids. It was also nice that the owner (I think she's the owner anyway) admitted to be a sock knitting freak like me. She had cute little fixation socks, I must have a pair, I thought. It's a store like that, that makes it hard to walk out without anything.
So in keeping with the sock loving spirit, I've got a small contest for you. Its sock yarn and that's always a good thing. I have a nice skein of Sockotta here that will make one pair of socks. I've done 2 pairs from other colorways and they are such a nice feeling material. What do you need to do? Guess at how many sock projects I walked out of Korner Knitters with. I got more than 0 but less than 10. Email me with your guess, my address is on my side bar. I'm sure more than one of you will guess the same thing so of course M will pick the winner out of a hat. I'll announce the winner on Thursday. This would be fabulous for the making waves pattern that is now out for the Six Sock knit along
Want more contests?
Check out Margene's contest and brush up on your geography. See July 26th's entry for full details.
Check out Teresa's contest and see if you can count.
I'm sure there are more. Grab that cup of coffee (or 2) and have a stroll around blog land.
Talk to me
Friday, July 30, 2004
Holy spike, Batman!
I've had a huge spike in blog traffic. Its gone from around 100 per day to over 500. I never track this stuff even though I have the meter, but I kept getting a slew of random emails regarding the boogie bra , so I had to look. OMG! I'm sorry that I kept this thing to myself for so long. I didn't know it would mean so much to so many. I'm glad to be making boobies happy everywhere.
I never made it out to the galleries yesterday. My mom suggested we look for cloth and since I had a few things to find I went and pretty much spent the majority of the day on a fabric hunt. I got a bunch a few new fabrics for the fall season. These are just the exciting ones, there are a few others that are slated for embroidery or whatnot.
I'm also working on new designs for bags for the fall. I'm totally in love with the one I'm working on now. But you all will have to wait a bit before I unveil it. Its not completely finished and I need to work the bugs out of my pattern.
Maybe today I'll actually get up to the Galleries but I have no more money for the knitting stores. I still may stop in just to have a look around.
My making waves sock is sad. I was close to starting the toe decreases and stopped to look at the size and all and realized that the ankle was far bigger than I anticipated. So a froggin' we went. I'm now decreasing more and plugging away.
I've been dying up a storm too. I'm not allowing myself to play with any of the new stuff until I finish Mandy red, which should be soon. So in the mean time I leave you on this Friday with some pretty colored rovings.
Left; Olive and hot pink superwash merino, Middle; Crock pot dyed orange pink and a hint of red, Right; blue, purple and limey green Romney that will hopefully spin up into stripes.
Have a fun weekend
Talk to me
Thursday, July 29, 2004
My plate is full already, thank you.
Miss me yesterday? I didn't think so. I have a ton of stuff to do. My knitting list is large but so is the rest of my todo list.
I'm rearranging my business. I cancelled all out of state shows and am trying to get all the tax paperwork in order for all those other states. I'm tired of traveling so much, and such long distances. That means I need to get going and find a few more shops to sell my wares. I've been unpacking and packing, packing and unpacking. Getting things in order to take to the shop I do put my stuff in. Later today I'll be traveling an hour or so to make pottery deliveries and check on a few hopeful opportunites. I mean, who wouldn't want a sheep mug? Too bad a picture doesn't do it justice. I hear people like to pet these mugs (hi Sue!).
I've started a new project with my mom. Custom embroidery kind of stuff. We are learning to use a home industrial embroidery machine. We will be embroidering things like hats, totes, bags, shirts, pants, basically whatever people want us to We will be supplying all the product and in others we will embroider whatever is brought to us. Such as, people that take their kids to daycare, we'll embroider the child's blanket, bag, towels, etc so that some other kid won't end up going home with them. I'm also thinking of making more of that sheepie stuff. Don't remember it?
I'm working on getting my website for this stuff up and running. My realistic goal is October 1. My wish is to have it done yesterday, but I'm working as fast as I can. I'm not very good at it so its going a bit slow.
Of course I still have a so-called life. I need to visit a friend today and yesterday I got to meet a really nice knitter. We had talked a bit over on Knitter's Review forums and yesterday we met a favorite LYS and had lunch together. Its always nice to put a face to a name. She's only been knitting a year and is already a really great knitter.
I'm doing all the usual work, plus all that and I'm still knitting and spinning. Although not getting very far. I turned the heel on the making waves sock and I'm finishing up the Mandy red spinning. I'm hoping on my rounds of pottery pimping I get to visit a Yarn store or 2 today. Let's see if I can find them out there in the back roads of Maine.
Talk to me
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Put a sock in it!
Or just knit a bunch of socks.
I finished another cloverleaf pair of socks. Can you figure out what is wrong with this picture?
Silly me, I made each sock from different skeins. I had to laugh when I put the two together. In real life the difference is a bit more striking.
How long have I been knitting? Off and on since I was about 8.
Shouldn't I know enough to check dyelots? I should, but obviously I didn't.
These are socks for M for xmas. She doesn't care and therefore, I am not making another one.
I promised you another free pattern. Tired of free patterns yet? I wrote out the pattern for the Husbeast socks made with Cascade 220. It will work with any worsted weight yarn. They make great boot socks, hiking socks, or house socks.
I still haven't cast on for the second sock out of sockotta. I've been trapped in the waves. Its the second sock for the Six Sox KnitAlong.
Its a great pattern and I'm just soaring along. I think I want to make a couple pairs in this pattern. My MIL might like a pair. I also think gloves in this pattern would be nice. See how I am, adding to the xmas knitting list already.
Thank you all for your wondrful comments about Honeymoon. It was a fun knit.
I leave you today with words of wisdom from Miss M.
"Underwear is panties and silverware is spoons."
You probably don't want confuse the two of them.
Talk to me
Monday, July 26, 2004
The Honeymoon is over
The tank top Honeymoon that is.
The pattern was in Knitty created by the fabulous Julia.
Fuzzy odd picture, huh? It was taken by the fabulous 4 yr old of the house. This is the second one. The first one was of my eye. Here I am laughing at her enthusiasm hands behind me, so I don't hit something, and trying to back up fast before the next one gets snapped. What's more amazing about this picture is that its waaaaay better than the one I took of myself in the bathroom mirror.
Husbeast took one as I was being silly at M's birthday party, which went well, thank you all for the well wishes. We had just done the pinata, and I was bringing the refuge in to toss in the trash while wearing M's crown because it kept falling off in the dash for candy. I present to you for your giggling pleasure, the monster princess mom.
Lovely huh? I tried to take a decent one but I'm not sure I'm capable of not making faces at husbeast when he's taking my photo. Not like you need to keep looking at me anyway.
I also finished a pair of socks over the weekend. Those are pretty giggle worthy too. But I spent so much time getting honeymoon photos and camping out with 3 kids that I didn't get a shot of those. Tomorrow will be all about socks. And I have a new pattern for you all.
Talk to me
Friday, July 23, 2004
My Grammy is Naughty.
Not naughty in the way that she should get thrown in jail. She's the kind of naughty that makes me giggle.
We work in the same area one of my Mom's businesses. Actually, Gram started the business over 50 years ago, now its my Mom's. Gram and I make castings from molds using liquid clay called slip. This is where we work.
Its hard to understand what happens there just from a photo. Gram does the small castings that are under 20 lbs and I do the larger ones that are over 20lbs and go up to over 100lbs. One such casting I've had to do is this giant frog that stands about 20 inches tall. He's new and big. Gram looked at him today and made me add something to him.
If you click on the photo you'll see what happened to the poor fellow. I say poor fellow because its rather small. Gram thinks it should have been bigger.
Growing up in the shop I would always see these strange things and just think it was something my Grandfather did. Gramps was a jokester. He once sold a man a "lawnmower" and said he would load it up for the man. So he loaded it into the trunk and told the man it was all set. When the gentleman got home and opened up the trunk, he found a goat. Gramps was sweet and generous but had a serious case of the sillies. We had every farm animal in the house at one time or another, yes that includes horses and cows.
Come to find out, Gram is the same way. I bet half the naughty little creatures I used to see were made by her. Teehee. Naughty 90 year olds make me giggle.
So Gram and I work together and during breaks I knit and she crochets. One of these days I'll get a photo of us together in our own little fiber circle. I'm still plugging away at my WIP's I have so many new ideas running through my head, I'm having a hard time finishing the stuff I have already started. I know this weekend is going to be super hectic. M has her party tomorrow and a camp out in our back yard after that. Hopefully I'll find some time in all the chaos to get a little bit of knit-relaxation. Have a great weekend.
Talk to me
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Oh, the beauty of it all!
The Clam Festival is like old home day or something. I grew up in the area, so I get to see many people that I've known for a long time. I have regular customers and I know most of the crafters. Its probably the best show that I do. Not necessarily for the money but because of the atmosphere and the people.
Some of the crafters there are also regulars of mine. One in particular, an amazing and vibrant gal, always seems to fill a big bag of pottery. I'm not into jewelry much but Lisa Bess's jewelry style is right up my alley. I've been collecting her jewelry for a while now. Her stuff is amazing and eclectic.
This year I wanted one of the new wrap necklaces of hers. But I fell in love with 2 necklaces that create the same look as one "wrap" necklace.
And this bracelet is so cool. I almost passed it by. I love antique buttons and leaves which it has both, but still I was going to put it back. Then as I was putting it back, I noticed a scrap of fabric still sewn to one of the buttons. Oh, that was it. I had to have it then.
I also got a few pieces as gifts but you can't see that. I'm not sure who is getting what yet.
I also got these really pretty calendar postcards. I'm thinking they will look nice next to my knitting chair. I might not forget what day it is so often. Like yesterday, I knew it was the 21st but I forgot what day of the week it was (brain fart)
So check out her art (click on the photo) - its really really pretty.
Goose pond - Susan, who is also a fellow knitter/spinner makes these amazing gauges. I saw it months ago and finally I bought one. I haven't been to her site in a while (click on the photo) but I have seen a bunch of her knitting. I think there is a link around there somewhere. She does beautiful work in her knitting/spinning and her metal work. I have several of her ornaments and this year at a Christmas show we do together I think I want to get some spinning ornaments.
M had a good birthday, thank you for all the happy day wishes. She played and played and I actually worked most of the day while she played. Then she got to choose what I made for dinner. Thankfully she isn't like Husbeast, who likes to ask me to cook the impossible.
I also did a bit of spinning and knitting.Not too exciting a day but its what M wanted. Now I need to start cleaning and getting stuff for her party on Saturday. I only hope I can make that cake without eating too much of it.
Talk to me
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Happy Birthday Baby girl!
The little one is 4 years old!! Hard to believe that 4 years ago I was in the hospital giving birth to a sweet little yellow cone headed baby. She had jaundice and after 3 hours of pushing she looked like she was from France
Without any further mushiness I bring you to the present she will receive today.
Not that she needs it in the middle of summer but she wants it. I'm not sure what else we will do today. I'm thinking a hike and picnic might make her day special. So I'm off to flake off for the day and spoil my girlie with love and ice cream.
Talk to me
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Brain Fart
You know what I'm talking about right? You forget your home phone number or what street you live on. Forget how old your child is. Forget the name of your pet. It happens to most of us, even the perfect folks out there. Brain farts are different than CRS syndrome (can't remember shit). Brain farts are silly momentary lapses in memory of things that you should remember.
My little brain fart had to do with the kitchener stitch. Yes, the kitchener stitch. How many socks have I made? I felt like an idiot. Sitting here needle and sock in hand, just staring at it not knowing what to do. Blank. Completely blank. I suppose this is what I get for making 3 socks toe up. After googling kitchener stitch, I went, oh yeah, duh. I'm not sure how I forgot. I hope I don't forget how to purl or something.
I took a nap after finishing that sock. Forgeting took a lot out of me.
The pink one is a Miss M sock int he cover rib. It has a garter heel, I'm not pleased with the look of it, but I was told that they last longer because they stretch better with a growing gals foot. the other one is the sockotta, looks odd, but it fits well.
I finished these on Friday. Its my first xmas FO - can I get cheer? "hip hip hooray!". Its my handspun, done toe up with a short row heel and the leg is all 2x2 ribbing.
That exercise spinner is a trip huh? You know I'm going to yard sales looking for an exercise bike now.
The show is over and went well. I'll talk about that more later this week. Right now, I'm still trying to catch up.
Talk to me
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Check this out!
This was too good not to post it for you all to see.
Gotta Love it :)
Thank you all for the great comments. Hopefully I'll have time to breath once Monday rolls around.
Talk to me
Thursday, July 15, 2004
My fish is a drunkard!
He's a Rockin' and rollin' fishy.
Little blue is a Japanese fighter fish and yes he lives in a vodka bottle.
Why? What would you have put him in?
Here's a little how to:
Get a couple of giant bottles of booze and drink them. Why a couple? You might not like how the first one looks. You might need to try out a couple, they look so different when empty. Trust me, get a couple of different bottles and drink 'em down!
The next day when the headache is gone wash out your empty bottle of choice. No bleach just a tiny bit of soap. Make sure to rinse all the soap out really really well. you can try to dry it out a bit with a towel but its easiest to drain it well and let it air dry. So go get yourself a bit of the "hair of the dog" and drink while you wait.
In 2 days when you've woken up from your drinking binge, you can glue in your little plant. Yes, you need to glue it in because its almost imposible to get it to stay at the bottom other wise. I took a silicone based glue and squeezed a bunch in. Then with the use of my handy chopsticks I set the fake plant in. Now you don't want to be drunk here, the glue smell trapped in the bottle is enough to make you light headed so inhale deeply.
When you get up this time from having passed out for 2-3 hours after huffing that glue, the glue should be dry. Put in your rocks or beads. now you can fill with treated water or water that has sat out for a couple of days (so the chlorine disipates). I decided to keep the cap but it needed a hole to insert the air tube. Drill a hole but only when you are sober so as not to make an extra hole in your hand. I think the air difuser and all is necessary since how much air can he get through that tiny little top.
Lastly I plopped in Mr. Blue and turned on his air pump, gave him a bit of chow and there he is. He's been living in his bottle about a year now. Happy as can be swimming around in what could be mistaken as vodka.
Disclaimer: Folks, I don't want any nasty emails about the evils of drinking and huffing glue. This was all done tongue in cheek. Kids you shouldn't drink til you pass out and huffing glue is a no-no that will rot your brain and make you forget how to knit.
OK - now go have a good weekend! I'll be sopping wet sitting in the rain at my craft show. If you're in Maine (Yarmouth to be exact), stop on by and bring me a hot cup of coffee, I have a feeling I'll need warming up.
Tanked in Maine
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
It's all in the pre-draft baby!
One thing I've realized is how important a predraft is to the final yarn. I've found a bunch of different ways to get even yarn and the one that seems to work the best is to pre-draft the heck out of something. It makes wheel time so much faster. There are 2 ways that I do this.
1. Split the roving into strips.This assumes that you are working with pre-prepared roving. I split the roving lengthwise into little strips. Basically you are making something akin to pencil roving.
This is how I'm doing Mandy Red and most others that I don't need to keep stripesAs you may be able to guess, this will make shorter color changes. If you are trying to keep stripes, this just isn't going to work. It is good though especially if you are trying to get worsted singles. You don't have to fiddle so much wheel-side so you are less likely to overtwist or to make your singles too thin.
2. Just pull it til it cries.
This is how I worked on Quinalt, a roving that I got from Roxi This is also the way I pre-draft when I've got rolags or batts. This helps keep stripes intact and is still a good way to keep the at wheel drafting to a minimum.
Both of these methods take a bit more time, but when I'm looking for a more even thicker yarn, this really helps. It's how it works best for me, anyway. We all find our own best methods after a while.
See how pretty Quinalt came out?
I have some roving I've dyed in brown and black. Together they should be enough to make me a cropped sweater. I'm too busy getting ready for the craft show this weekend to be able to spin it up at the moment. Tomorrow I have to set up and I'll be there Friday and Saturday 9am to 9pm and Sunday 9am to whenever I get the booth taken down. I'm tired just thinking about it. I should be able to finish a sock or 2 over the weekend even if by some chance it is busy.
Adrian reminded me about nests. After I split my fibers, I wrap them into little "nests" as does she. Here's a little photo.
Now go split and spin
Talk to me
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Good bye GramGram
Last night Husbeast's grammy died. I'm glad we got to see her last Thursday when she was feeling well. I knew her as a spunky, tough, old broad. She always welcomed me and adored our daughter. She never forgot about us and Husbeast even received his B'day card from her the day she died (the day before his birthday). Sick and she still remembered to mail it out. What a lady.
Click to see GramGram at our wedding playing pat-a-cake with our daughter.
He is absolutley the best knitting/spinning enabler a gal could want. Not to mention he is just an all around fabulous guy. So, happy Birthday Hot stuff!Spin-arama
Remember how I said I was going to keep going until I figured out what to spin up for a sweater for M? No? Well, I did say that. And I meant it too. We've just decided on a roving and frankly I'm surprised its the one she chose. She does have good timing though, I ran out of white roving to dye. On to the the picture show:
M liked the sparklies but the blues were too subdued.
The purple and green was pretty but she just didn't want green. It only took me 4 or 5 different yarns to figure that out.
Then M saw this. She wanted to take it to bed. I love it when she loves a roving so much she wants to take a nap with it instead of her dolly. That's when I know its "the one". I'm going to spin it up and ply it with some blue Astra Glo from Halcyon. This sweater will most likely be the one she gets for xmas unless its so cute I can't stand to keep it from her.
And just because I love myself too. Here's a pretty crock pot roving I did up for a pair of socks for me me me. If I ever get to it, that is.
Talk to me
Monday, July 12, 2004
That title says it all doesn't it? Knots are the scourge of knitters everywhere. Nobody likes them but we all have to deal with them
From the cheapest of Red Heart yarns to the most expensive in the Colinette line, Knots! I know I've read many a rant and why do we have to see these things in our yarn? Yarn deserves to be knot free.
I've had many knots before, but not quite like the one I came upon the other day. Noro has a ton of knots, my cottons have had knots. I've dealt with them all gracefully.
This last knot that I found over the weekend was highly unacceptable. Why? What makes this knot so different from all the others?
The knot was in a ball of my own handspun.
Yes, the yarn that I lovingly create from roving, to dying, to lovingly spinning it into beautiful yarn goodness. Someone must have come in here, in the dead of night and inserted a knot in my handspun! Bastards! How dare they! Some mean spirited little troll is digging around in my yarns.
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Moving on....
What did I do over the weekend? Saturday morning we went to the Moxie Parade where I ripped out the pinkish sock and redid it as a toe up.
I finished the blue sock last night when I had gotten to the heel of the pinkish sock and didn't trust my sleepy state to turn a short row heel. I also worked a bit on the Highland Triangle Shawl that I had been ignoring.
I had been working on this along side another KR forumer and she emailed asking how I was doing. My poor little shawl has been sitting here neglected for so long. Maybe I'll bring her to the craft show next weekend and show her a good time. Once I get HiTri done then I can start on CW.
Talk to me
Friday, July 09, 2004
The horror has ended!
For those of you that you that were horrified by my lack of WIP's and specifically my lack of sock WIP's, I would like to announce to you that I am working on 2 socks - yes, 2!
It gets better. Hang on, you may fall out of your chairs. These 2 are also.....Christmas presents for the family. Are you still there? Did you spill your coffee? No? Well, I figured I'd be the only one that excited. See, I've got coffee all over me now and I need to pour another cup.
The blue blob is a toe up sock in my handspun "vintage denim" colorway. Do I sound pretensious naming each color? I rarely do them twice. Now that's got me thinking. Hmmm. Oh right, the other sock, I have the attention span of a gnat. How sad is it that it shows in my writing? The red/orange/yellow/black is Sokotta. I'm not sure who each sock will be for and I'm not going to give it up anyway. You never know who is reading. Now I sound paranoid. That's me paranoid and pretensious. Lock me up, but don't take away my yarn.
I've been doing more and more spinning. I'm excited to be starting on another sweater soon. That means I'll be spinning up 2 sweaters at once, a first for me. One on Bettie and one on Marylin. I also will be spinning up an extra skein for a friend and after that, more socks. I hope to have some real progress to show next week. Eeeps, I just read all that and I've got alot to do. I best quit dawdling.
I leave you for the weekend with a tip.
If a store marks down hair dye from $8 to $2.50, there is a reason.
It may not be the bargain you think it is.
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Spin me around
Did I ever show you how spinning gets done around here?
M likes to help, but M wants to watch TV or read books too.
Big helper huh? She gives me a serious case of the giggles most days.
So what have I been spinning. Still Mandy red. I tried to do plying on my new wheel but I'm afraid it takes a bit more finagling and I want all her yarn to come out the same so I'm going to have to continue on with the smaller skeins.
My other spinning projects include coming up with a yarn to make M a long jacket. She loves her new robe so much I thought she might like a lonk bulky cardi. So I keep dying and spinning up samples. Not to mention that i enjoy dying roving and spinning it. I can't seem to stop myself somedays. I do it even if I know I'll never use the stuff.
If you clicky you get to see a bigger view
I'm selling them off or giving them away until I come up with the right combo for M, or until I can curb my habit. I'm also selling off a few more stashed yarns. The deal is if I can get rid of some, I can buy more, right? I'll continue to put things on ebay if you are interested at all.
Have I mentioned how much I love spinning on Marilyn (the indian head spinner)? She is a dream to spin on and the yarn comes out so nice. I'm thinking of making so many things with singles now. There is just something so tempting about a nicely spun worsted weight single. I'm getting weak in the knees just thinking about it.
Thanks for the well wishes about the ring. It's gone and I'm beginning to accept it and be ok with it. It's silly to be attached to material things even if they do have sentimental value. At least I didn't lose J. Remind me not to leave him sitting outside alone.
Honeymoon is not the pain sandwich. Its Bernat Satin yarn. Interesting and cheap, but I like it none the less.
Spin me!
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
ONLY 2 WIP's!?!?!
Oh, we need to do something about that.
I realized Sunday that I don't have any socks cast on and I only am actively working on 2 things. It scared me a little. Only 2 projects and no socks. I still can't believe it. You got shivers too, didn't you? Well, I needed to cast on something else immediately. The only free needles that I like to work with are my pink plastics in 5's. So I cast on for Honeymoon. I could always use another tank.
This is an easy knit. Its zooming right along. I'm on the boob increases now. The only problem I have is that I used a stashed acrylic yarn. Its one of those incredibly soft acrylics but it is heavy. I'm waiting until I seperate it for the "v" and try it on. If its too heavy to be a tank I'll just frog it. Haha, no. If its too heavy for a tank then I think it will make an interesting 3/4 sleeve sweater. Its Maine, honeymoons around here could use a little more warmth if you are wearing clothes and heading outside at all, that is.
As for the sock situation. I need to get some black fixation (elann is out and has been for a while or lolita would have been black) and I'm going to make some fishnets without the lacings for all those that requested it.
Talk to me
Monday, July 05, 2004
The good and the bad of it
Well, lets get the bad over with.
I lost my wedding ring Friday afternoon.
Outside of my mom's house, maybe a person/kid took it or maybe an animal. I don't want to get into details but its gone. We are going to borrow a metal detector, its our last hope. I keep sitting here knitting and seeing my hands wondering where it is. Not like I wore it all the time but I certainly miss it now that its gone. Trying not to dwell on it.
Ah, well. The knitting was good and I got to spend a ton of time with the neice and nephew.
I spent so much time with them that I wasn't able to get much done. A little spinning and a little knitting.
J's sweater
33 inches wide and about 15 inches tall. I'm trying to work at least a couple of rows a night. I want to finish it by fall. I have a chance. No, really. I think I can do it.
The back is almost done. I read ahead and looked at all the instructions just to finish up this little stretch of back and put it down yesterday. It won't take long but geez I hate to need to read every row with my patterns. Call me lazy. I guess that's why I often change patterns. This one, I'm doing my best to complete it as is.
Hope you all had a fun fourth. Today is another day off and we are heading out to Shrek 2 which is sure to be packed but I bet we have the 3 most rambunctious kids there.
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Happy fourth!
I hope you all have a great and safe holiday.
Lots of fireworks and good eats.
I have something else for you to do on the fourth.
Can you imagine being over there and not having anyone writing to you?
No matter how you feel about the war, we are all Americans (except for the folks reading this that aren't Americans)and these guys and gals need support.
If you aren't American but your country has troops over there, maybe you have a similar program going on for your fellow citizens.
It's just a nice thing to do, I can't imagine how lonely it must feel to not get letters from home.
I'm passing on this link and hopefully you will too.
Hoping its a Happy fourth for everyone.
Proud to be American.
Friday, July 02, 2004
Stretch, yawn, stretch.
Getting my butt in gear without a child hollering "mama, I said it's good morning!" is a little slow. Funny how that becomes such a vivid wake up call. I must ignore her first "good morning" every day, because all I hear is that statement as if I have been ignoring her. Does being in a sound sleep count as ignoring? And before you think we got rid of her for being a morning pest, she just spent the night at her grandparents. About 1 hour ago, I'm sure she said "Grammy, I said good morning!"
So you saw the new Knitty. Thank you for the nice comments. I will be working on a thigh down option and maybe no lacing up the back design if I have time. I'll let you know when I get something done. If I haven't done it by the end of the month, tough noogies. Just kidding, send me an email to remind me. I do have CRS.
I want to give everyone that contributed to that issue a big round of applause. Its a great issue and it was an interesting challenge. Kudos to Amy (and her editors) for making another great issue.
I wanted to take pics of Pia (working at decreasing on the back) and pics of the husbeast sweater (about 8 inches done, its about 38 inches wide) but I'm enjoying my coffees (notice the s) and scream free am. Although its a little weird to not have to be making breakfast and arguing with someone about what they need to wear for the day. On days like this maybe I should try and pick out Husbeast's clothes and see if I can have an in depth conversation with him why not to wear a sweater on a 70 degree day. Maybe not, I'd have to get up. I leave you with the only photo I took yesterday
Lace weight singles, I've got about 400 yards. I need more, I want to make a small stole. Maybe I'll spend my morning spinning away.
Talk to me
Thursday, July 01, 2004
A day out!
Who says I don't get out of the house?
Oh, right, I do.
I got out yesterday
Oh, no applause, thank you, thank you.
It is impressive that I ventured outside the confines of my prison house for something other than work. But what is more impressive is what got me out of the house.
I am going to drag this out for a bit. I'm sorry to say I forgot my camera at home. But I downloaded a couple of stock photos from the net and they are better than anything I could ever take. But I don't have many, I am lazy afterall and searching for pics is hard work. So to start with, this is the trek that M and I took.
That sad little pink line represents 2.5 hours one way. I have to say that M was really good driving. I'll leave it at that.
Here is alot of what we saw on the way up. Its a picture of Gorham, NHTaken by someone named Papa Bear (gotta give credit where credit is due).The town of Stark, NH This was taken by someone named anonymous photographer.
I bet you are on the edge of your seat, coffee cup in hand, just hanging on to figure out what we went for. Or you skipped all the bladey blah and are here looking at the pic while others read it all. Shame on you! Go back and read.
Now, here is what I went for:
Its a Lin Black Mud Valley Indian Head spinner.
I saw a pic of her and just knew I had to have her. Pretty huh? If you went to the NH Sheep and Wool Fest the owner at that time, Anita, had her there. Anita by the way is super sweet. She showed me how she oiled it, compiled a history, and served us tea and cookies. Yes, M stole extra cookies. I think she had 5, I was too giddy to really count them. She's good at exploiting her mother's weaknes. The spinner is hand carved and the thing that really got me was this:
The shape and color are just so pretty. Funny how the shape of one piece will really just make me weak in the Pocketbook knees. *drool* pretty flyer.
Anita had also bought a book to go with the wheel when she had it and passed that on to me too.
The book is great in and of itself but the thing that totally got me was the larger sweater on the cover is very similar to a sweater from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban that I was coveting. I couldn't find a picture from the film so I didn't mention it before, if you saw the movie maybe you know what I mean.
I was contacted by Anita from the Spinners and Weavers pages. I don't think I've mentioned them before. It's a good place to buy/sell spinning and weaving equipment. They are worth a look every now and then at least.
Talk to me