Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I've received a few emails lately and people can't find me so I'm posting here for anyone that hasn't changed their reader(bloglines) yet, I've moved.
Come visit me at
And don't forget to change your reader too.
I've received a few emails lately and people can't find me so I'm posting here for anyone that hasn't changed their reader(bloglines) yet, I've moved.
Come visit me at
And don't forget to change your reader too.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I always find myself looking to the skies...and looking onward.
The new blog is up and running.
I'm still learning tons about php and making the necessary changes.
If it looks drastically different in a day or even in the next 5 minutes, don't worry, I'm just having a bout of indecision.
I wanted to make this post and give a warning, I need to do some major maneuvering to get the archives over at their new home. I might lose them all in the process or do something to kill the blogspot blog. I know it's unlikely but you never know with me.
So change update your bloglines with
If you're a livejournal reader then I've syndicated the new blog there at Boogie Knitting Remember with LJ that if you comment there, I can't read your comments.
Friday, February 02, 2007
New Spindle Magic
What can drag a baby away from Dora?

New Spindles:

Did you see a million blogger posts yesterday and also earlier in the week? I have my blog running at wordpress, but it's not pretty. I keep messing with themes and colors and oh my. Hopefully over the weekend I'll get my archives over there, make it all pretty and presentable for guests.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Project Spectrum

Project Spectrum starts today. I love this knit along. My life revolves around color in case you're new here. I think it was especially cool to see so many in blogland knitting in color with this project last year. This year will be especially interesting to see what people do with the color combinations.

The kit I designed for this month are Lacy mittens in Alpaca. In a new colorway called storm clouds.

Joni did a fantastic job knitting them. I also knit a pair in the Texas yarn. You won't see mine because I did them in the Club's colors for February (which doesn't ship for another 20 days). I'll bring them to SPA with me. If you go to that, you'll get a sneak peak at February's colors.
If you couldn't find the "Big Ball" sweater yarn. You can find it in the Worsted and the Chunky sections of my website. Or if you want a different colorway you can email me to work on colors or choose from some of the existing colorways on my Custom yarn page.
If this post is wonky or any others are then it's bloggers fault. Like, all my archives have been inaccessable. I've been trying not to switch to the new blogger (I'll los the look of my blog) and they automatically changed a bunch of stuff on me.
I've been trying to switch over to wordpress but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. For some reason I just can't get it to come up.I've been pulling my hair trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Eventually I'll wave good bye to blogger because of the changes they're making. I may not have any hair by that time, but we're usually ok with that.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Big Balls
I've got big balls
I've got big balls
And they're such big balls
Handpainted big balls
And he's got big balls,
And she's got big balls,
But we've got the biggest balls of them all!
I figured I'd borrow a little from AC\DC for the introduction of the biggest balls of them all.

This is the yarn that I've fallen head over heals in love with. Adrian mentioned this stuff a couple of weeks ago. It's fantastic stuff. Soft, huge and inexpensive. Just how I like it. I really don't know how to describe this stuff without sounding like an ad or a love sick teenager.
There is Worsted weight and Bulky weight. I started a sweater in Bulky weight. This is what one ball got me:

I'll be updating the site this afternoon with super big ball sweater yarn, sock yarns, fibers and the new kit.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Eating Monday
Not Banana Bread, Banana Muffins.
Don't call it banana bread. I've been informed that Banana bread is yucky but banana muffins are ok, especially if you use the skull muffin tin.

2c whole wheat flour
3 tsp Baking Powder
2 large over ripe Bananas
1 cup Applesauce
1/2 tsp each - Vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon
1 cup of severly chopped pecans
1/3 c oil
Optional - 1 cup sweetener (sugar, brown rice syrup, etc)
Mix it all up
Throw it into your grease tins.
Put it in a preheated oven - 400F
It takes about 20-30 minutes to cook and there you go.
Strange as it may sound, banana muffins are good with peanut butter. I may be channeling Elvis but really, I like it. It's an extra protein kick for your day too.
We had good mail this past week.

Friday, January 26, 2007
I shot the cow
It was a quick death. Easy decision.
It's tax time. Yes, this is long, work with me. Tax time last From January until April 15th for me. In January it starts with the Sales tax payments and estimated taxes to the federal government. Fun stuff. But it doesn't end. I need to diligently chip away at the pizza box of receipts I have.
Back to the dead cow.
In filing taxes I realized that if I opened a shop under a name different than my business name, I would need to get a new Tax ID or change the business name altogether. I didn't want to completly change it. I would rather eat my wool than file another set of tax documents.
The argyle cow will now be turned into a mascot. Spunky the argyle wearing cow. Or maybe I'll put argyle on a sheep. Maybe I'll put argyle on a whole barnyard full of animals. It's a compromise I can live with. So I suppose the cow isn't dead, it's just been kicked to the sidelines.
Thank you for all the yarny compliments on the last post. The yarn finishing is with good timing. This happened earlier this week:

Did you read that?
I hate intarsia.
I avoid intarsia.
The bunny sweater will become a tote bag and the new sweater will have to replace the bunny one. There will NOT be bunnies on the new one. Again, I'd rather eat the wool than make another one with intarsia.
I would say I would start on the sweater now but I had gotten in some new yarn the other day and I'm smitten. I'll have to tell you about that next week. The love is so new, it makes me all giggly and giddy.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Spinny Spinny
I've spinning tons lately. Less knitting more spinning. I've been working at finishing up projects and starting new ones. I've been up since 5 with no coffee and the brain isn't thinking in words. I can however provide photos.

Speaking of SPA - I added a ticker to the top of my page. Just over 3 weeks to go. I can't wait!
There is still more spinning:

Monday, January 22, 2007
Eating Monday
Today we're having toast.
You put one, maybe 2 slices if you're feeling brave, into the toaster. Wait for the ding or the popup. Take out the toast, don't burn yourself on the hot goodness. Then spread on an even coat of margarine. If you're feeling really daring you can add some cinnamon and sugar. Nothing heavy though, not today.
Toast, how exciting.
I don't really want to think of anything bigger or better yet.
The house was hit with the stomache flu. I know where we picked it up too. The damn doctor's office. I should boycott that place this time of year. Baby Boogie had a check up last week and a flu shot. I figured her being sick at the end of last week was just the flu shot. Boy was I wrong.
We are recovering though, slowly but surely. I should be able to work today and start getting club packed up so it can ship this week.
In lieu of anything else because I'm tired and saving energy for work.... Check this out Environmental Defense. It's worth checking out. Melting ice caps have been on TV and in commercials lately so it's not being completly ignored anymore. Hopefully you've heard about it. It's worth checking out and putting a slow on Global Warming if we can. Thank you Dianna for passing this on to me.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
That's the degrees in Farenheit today. I feel bad for all the people that have to work outside, like Boogie Dad, but frankly it's not winter without a little cold weather. I might actually light a fire in the fireplace this year, something I thought I would do without. Not to mention, knitting on cold days is somehow much more satisfying than knitting during the hot days summer.
So what have I been working on?
Miss Kate is collecting fun fur hats for the kids at Children's Hospital. If you click the link you'll get the poop on what's up and why fun fur. So I left my warm little house and bought some fun fur-ish stuff. The actual fun fur I could find seemed scratchy so I spent my time at Joann's fondling balls. Of course if the balls don't already belong to someone, you don't get ejected from the store. It's hard a lesson to learn. Only fondle balls that don't already belong to another knitter.

Just to make sure I have an overabundance of projects on the needles...

Because some of you have asked....
Slowing down? I'm spending more time trying to figure out how to get out of having to slow down than actually slowing down. I've not begged my doctor for valium or some other mind altering drug to aid in the "slowing down". I'm still not convinced that I HAVE to slow down. Yeah, the last words of someone being shut in the large van taking her off to the boobie hatch. mmm, padded rooms.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Eating Monday
It is a holiday here in the US. It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I wonder if we had him still today if all the people in this country still struggling for civil rights, would have it any easier....
I'm taking the day off. Husbeast is home after being away on business for 5 days. I'll be sitting next to him taking up space on the couch with my knitting. I'm making you wait until tomorrow to see what it is though. I'll give you a hint, I cast on for new projects.
It's also a snow day! The storm is supposed to be a big one but we have yet to have a lasting snow, unlike New Mexico.

On to the food, because even though I'm taking the day off from work, we all have to eat. Today is a Mock Twofer. Or rather a twofer of mocks. Mock chicken fingers and Mock beef stew.
Mock Chicken fingers.

2 Tbs Soy sauce
1 Tbs Red wine vinegar
Bread crumbs
Frying oil if you so choose.
Cut the Tempeh into 1/4 inch slices. Place in the bottom of a sauce pan. Add in the Soy Sauce and the red wine vinegar. Add enough water to just cover the tempeh. Heat on medium until boiling, then simmer for 15 minutes. Let them cool so you can touch them.
If you eat eggs you can roll them in eggs and then bread crumbs, otherwise just wetting them a bit and rolling in the bread crumbs works. I usually season my bread crumbs with Garlic salt and pepper. Sometimes I add in other spices like oregano or Basil but for the kids, I kept it simple.
I chose to fry mine in 1 Tbs of Canola oil. It doesn't soak up much of the oil so I didn't worry about the extra fat, you can bake it under the broiler until crisp if you want to avoid the whole oil thing.
Mock Beaf Stew

1 large onion
2 cups sliced mushrooms
3 cloves garlic
4 potatoes
2 cups baby carrots
1 cup of seitan chopped (optional)
3 Tbs Soy
2 Tbs Barley Miso (or other brown miso if you're avoiding wheat)
1 cup Vegetable stock
1 cup white wine
1 cup of water
2 Tbs Arrowroot (or other thickener)
I roasted the vegies with garlic, salt, pepper, basil and oregano. It gives them more flavor and makes the 'stew' quicker especially if you've cooked the vegies the night before.
If you are adding in the seitan, sear it first. It will give it that little bit of crust that you get on beef.
In a pan I add in the stock, miso, soy, water and wine. I heat on medium and blend together, never boiling just making it warm. I scoop up some of the hot liquid in a cup. I add the arrowroot to the cup of liquid and make sure it's blended well. Then I return it to the big pot to thicken it.
When that's done, the sauce is hot and thick, I add in all the vegies and seitan. Let it warm through (especially if the vegies were cold from being in the fridge). Eat. I made chease biscuits to go with it. It's breakfast time and just thinking about this, I want my mock stew for breakfast.
I'm saving my knitting projects for tomorrow, but I had to show you some mini's I got for Christmas. They arrived after Christmas but I keep mini's hanging about all the time.

I'm off to enjoy the day off and the new falling snow. The girls might actually get use of their snow suits yet.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Slow Down
What is this "slow down" you speak of? Is that what happens when you die? Just laying there all still like? Or do you get to still do stuff? I only have 2 speeds, all go or all stop. I'm not sure there is an in between.
I better find the in between speed.
I went to the doctor and while there are some more tests to run (I think she's just trying to be thorough), she told me I would probably just need to slow it down. This is going to be a learning experience. So I spent yesterday afternoon trying to find some place that has classes in "slowing down". Can you believe it? Not one course. I bet most of you out there already know how to "chill".
Then I read Margene's post. My wheel has been in the shop. I figure it's a good little demo and Baby Boogie likes to play with it too much, pinched fingers owie. I've been spindling lately but the wheel is a little more relaxed. Sure it goes through fiber faster, but I move less. I tend to walk around when I spindle. And then I set the spindle down and someone decides to pick up where I left off.

Chill out part 1:
I made this:

Then Spider Gus came back into the house:

If that isn't luxury and calming spinning, I don't know what is. The goal is to spin it as a light sport weight yarn, and to make enough of it for a sweater.
The sweet husbeast suggested I find a knitting and/or spinning group to hang out with. I had hoped that my big shop would be open in February and I'd have one there but it looks like it will be a bit longer. I do have room for a small group of spinners with wheels or a good sized group of knitters. But if any of you Mainers know of a good one in Lewiston/Auburn or the Topsham/Bath/Brunswick areas, let me know.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Toot toot toot
Oh, my. Things happen fast over here. Woosh! so I have a few announcements I want to share with you all. Most of it is business related but since my business is also knitting and my passion, it's worth mentioning here.

If not, it's a Schacht matchless single treadle. You might know the double treadle better. Well, the Matchless wheels, the Schacht-Reese Saxony wheels, the spindles, the little flip looms and more are coming to Spunky Eclectic! You can see them HERE
The looms and one wheel will be here for the SPA show. The rest will follow shortly. I can't wait to get these all set up in the shop. I only have one Fricke and my Louet set up for display but once the Schachts get here, I'll have the little showroom all set up pretty. The argyle cow is almost here, I can feel it.

You probably all knew this already though, didn't you?
The club will work within the color ideas posed for project spectrum. Funny thing, I have colors planned out until May and they already fit in well with the ideas posed for spectrum. I'm excited to be starting this again.
I also have another little thing. I'm doing to try and do a new kit for each section of spectrum. The patterns are all drawn up, I just need to dye all the various yarns and get them test knit.
Tomorrow there is an update and a sale will start on the yarn. I know I'm telling you a day early, but I've been forgetting to blog about my updates so I'm telling you now. Spend $40 on yarn and get a free 200 yard sampler of the Skinny sock. It's a $9 value. Each $40 spent on yarn gets you a sampler. With the samplers I usually make a pair of 4 inch ankle socks for myself. The sale will run until the 17th or until I run out of samplers.
Ok, that's it. There is more going on over here but for some reason the brain is stuck. Too much work and not enough rest. I figure once the shop is up and going good, I'll rest then, right?
Monday, January 08, 2007
Eating Monday
I'ts been a long time since I've done one of those. It feels like it's been months since we've had a full work week. I've been cooking and eating so I have plenty of recipes to share. Last Friday I started to feel really sick and well, Saturday I was a couch jockey but this soup helped immensely. Unfortunately, I ate it all before remembering to photograph it.
Boogie Hot and Sour Soup
1 lg Onion
2 cups Mushrooms
3 stalks Celery
1-2 Summer squash (or Zuchinni)
4 large Carrots
1/4 Cup Red wine vinegar
2-3 T Good Soy Sauce like Shoyu
1-2 teaspoon Ginger if it's dry - fresh you can use 1/2 teaspoon
1-3 teaspoons red pepper Flakes
1-3 teaspoons Cayenne
1 teaspoon Black pepper
1 teaspoon Corriander
2 Cans of Vegie Broth
Saute the vegies - adding them to the pan in the order that they show up in the recipe. When they're starting to cook down add all the rest of the ingredients. Sauteing the vegies isn't entirely necessary but it creates a different flavor that is worth the effort. If you want protein in your dish, flesh needs to be cooked before you toss in all the vegies, tofu can be added in at the end.
The key to this dish is to let it simmer on low for at least 3-4 hours. I mentioned to Miss Purlewe that the soup was good but didn't make the back of my teeth ache like a good sour soup should (say that 5 times fast). I had eaten a bowl for lunch on Friday about an hour after starting it. My bowl for supper was much better and had that good back of the teeth ache. yum.
I did some of that this past weekend. Very little though. Since I was sick and off on Friday and Saturday, I worked Sunday. I also did very little knitting. I laid down on the couch with an afghan and watched Band of Brothers. I did manage to finish Dad's sock though.

Friday, January 05, 2007
It's that time of the year
Everyone is talking stash and FO's. They're talking about a great desire to finish up their UFO's or as Scout suggests, Just Frog it!.
Then there are all those that are setting up groups where you talk of yarn diets and stash only knitting pledges.
Of course there are bunches of other groups that are centered around clearing up the stash, the UFO's and WIP's. I admire you all for putting your
I have a tendency to rebel against these things. Even though I have a crazy stash (I'm still working on cataloging it all), you won't see my name up there. Rules are made to be broken. I'm on the anti-diet. While I really want to finish UFO's and knit from stash, I know I'm a rule breaker. If I sign up, you know I'll cast on for 12 projects and go on a yarn buying spree just to give myself some cushion to survive it. You have your yarn diet, I'll be over here on the wool pig plan stuffing the rafters with bags of yarn.

I wish I had a good knitting project to show you. The big project of this week has been to organize the shop. I don't think I've gotten much knitting done. All my knitting time has been eaten up with organizing. It's looking better though:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Getting Artsy
I woke up to this:

I think of all the unsuccessful photos I've taken of this one poor sock. I think there are more unsuccessful photos than there are stitches in it.
1.On the leather couch, there is too much shine from the flash. You didn't think I could remember to take a daytime photo? So I played with positioning on the couch, it's a nice neutral background. Nothing works. 12 photos, gone.
2. On the white-ish rug. It's the ISH that gets me. I knew this would happen. This rug stayed rolled up after my move here from CA 10 some years ago. I knew what kids and dog and men would do to it but we needed a rug and she shal be scrificed. 2 photos and we deside to change venues.
3. On the hard wood floor. Everything looks good on this. 27 photos, I had to count. Flash, no flash. Flash is icky and no flash is blurry. I obviously jiggle too much to not have the camera stabilizer on and I haven't figured out yet how to shut off the flash and keep on the stabilizer. No, I haven't read the manual. Do you think I'll find something in there?
4th venue. The wood pile.
6 photos later, I get this:

I swear I'm as bad as an 8 year old boy because the subject of wood and 10 inches is killing me. Maybe I just need more sleep. I'm sure there was more I wanted to say but I just lost it.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Knitting in the New Year
I did indeed spend some couch time over the weekend. Not as much as I would have liked. Short of gluing my butt to the couch and hiring a servant, I don't think anytime would have been enough.
Last year on new Years day I cast on for a new project. It was a quick project that was done the same day but none the less, it was a new project. It set how the year was going to continue. I ended with 27 UFO's. I want to try and wittle that down by half. I spent the weekend working on an old project. Baltic.

I also spent some time with Dad's next pair of socks, already on the needles. The photo for those looked weird and frosty so I'm not even going to bother posting that. I had swatched and written the pattern out for Mom's new sweater last week. I wanted to cast on for that, but I avoided it. We didn't want any new project juju slipping into our New year. Yes, it's a silly notion but it's my notion.
For those that are questioning the magknits pattern:

Here it is laid out on the floor so you can see it better:

And an action shot taken before the holidays.

Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wrap up
List Your FO's
You can find them all HERE. I even updated it all nice and neat. There are still several pictures missing but those I won't be able to post until the fall of 2007.
The final tally is 46 projects:
18 Socks
8 Mittens/mitts
12 Sweaters/vests
2 Shawls/scarves
5 Hats
1 linen cloth
List Your Works In Progress
You have to be kidding me here. There are 27 projects.
Go HERE if you really want to see the horror that is my WIP pile.
What skeletons are in your knitting basket?
I think the thing that I hate having in there the most is a sweater from my handspun that I had great mojo for in 2005. I dont think I picked it up at all in 2006. I love it but I lost interest in working on it as new projects came along. I'll finish it someday I'm sure.
What was your favorite project of 2006?
It's hard to pick one. The one that comes to mind is one that I can't even show you. It would be the Gansey socks that I did. There are a handful of people that did see them and if it wasn't an item that had to go to a publication, there would have been a fight for them. My favorite that I can show you is:
I'm wearing them right now in fact. I love these socks.
What projects will you never knit again?
I don't think there was anything this past year that I will NEVER knit again. I wasn't fond of knitting with Linen, but I was really pleased with the end project. I'd like to knit a tank top out of it someday.
What was your major knitting accomplishment in 2006?
That would probably have to be this sweater:
It's a really nice sweater that I wish I still had, but the accomplishment comes in the fact that it took me 9 days from the time the yarn arrived, swatch, pattern creation, knitting, blocking, and sent off to the publisher. It let me know that even though I don't like to work that fast, I can do it.
What was your favorite yarn of 2006?

Elsa's Cormo
This yarn was for the Gansey socks that I did. I loved it so much that even before I had finished the socks, I had ordered more for me just so I could duplicate the socks.
What's your favorite yarn overall?
Overall? You're killing me with these questions.

I'd have to choose my handpainted yarns. I'm having so much fun working with them and coming up with new patterns. I could go on forever.
What new knitting techniques did you learn in 2006?
I don't think I did anything new in 2006. At least I can't remember doing any new techniques.
What are your knitting goals for 2007?
My goal is to try and finish a few more WIP's and to work a bit more from Stash. I am working on redoing that still. I have the list of all the "sweater" amounts of yarns done, now it's time for the socks. I think I'm avoiding that. Maybe tomorrow.
If you Call a Cab tonight, make sure to call a cab.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Couch potato New Year

I had big plans of redoing the stash page. I really wanted to see what stash I went through this year. Then reality hit, with all the work I did, I really didn't go through much. Not to mention I bought a couple of new things and found a few others that I obviously had hidden from myself.
I took a million photos and still didn't get to the sock yarn. Tha amount of sock yarn is scary. I'm thinking at this point a simple spread sheet would be faster, and shorter. I might actually get off my comfy couch to go drown in stash yarns.
Whatever you do this weekend, I hope it's fun and safe. A short 10 years ago fun and safe were mutually exclusive words. Now here I am uttering them together. What age will do to a girl.
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The holidays are done and I finished it all. You knew I would though, didn't you?
The 23rd
After finishing up the shipping/working for the day, I finished the sewing of the Christmas stockings.

The 24th
I cooked. I finished off the Brownies and made egg rolls for the Xmas Eve party. My sweet cousin came over and helped with the Egg rolls, which made them go so much faster. Then I made a pumpkin pie for Christmas dinner. In between the cooking I was able to sew buttons, weave ends, and graft underams of Girl Beast's sweater. Tada!

After that I was able to breath a little. I wasn't working again for a bit and all the gifts were done. More cooking was ahead but that's the norm. Yesterday I lay around like a complete slob in my new robe. I lay around sketching out ideas and knitting.

Really, it's nice to have all that hustle and bustle done for another year. The holidays are nice, I just wish they were a little more relaxing leading up to it. I hope you all had a good weekend and wonderful plans for the New year.