Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Every girl needs accessories.
Every girl's swing is no exception.
This was my first attempt to accessorize.
That is the ultimate use isn't it?
I remember seeing someone else using a swing in that manner and thinking, "hmmm, now I KNOW I need a swing". It is handy for hanging the wool in the breeze to dry and also to keep the sun off of it.
Wool is the perfect accessory for everything but for an outdoor swing it is fleeting.
Later that day I decided to try my hand at a more permanent way to pretty up the little gal
I took this pic this morning, I can't wait for sunlight anymore. Can you see the twinkly xmas lights? I can now knit out there when its dark. I've moved half the house plants outside for the summer.The other half of the house plants will be used to accessorize the other side. Yes, that is dog butt on the left side. That and the other dog butt are only decorations when they are in the mood or want to show me what dead thing they just rolled in. I tend not to work them into the decorating picture as they are so fickle. I do need to think of them when I dress, though. Hint: match your pet to your favorite colors, I wear a lot of black.
Thank you all for comments about the Urban Cardi. You are all really sweet. We haven't had a drop of sunlight here in over a week so I'm surprised the pics came out as well as they did. I made an attempt (sans sunlight of course) to take a pic so you can see what the zipper and all looks like. One of the pics made it look puckery and its not.
I redid the zipper on my Rosedale too. I've slowly been working on Mom's socks. I should get them done in another day or so and then start on my socks for the Six sock along. Speaking of knit alongs. I decided to join one of the Charlotte's Web ones. My yarn arrived, although its at the shop so I haven't seen it yet. Now I need to decide if I should finish Highland Triangle first or set it aside and go full throttle with Charlotte.
I'll be leaving for my show tomorrow morning so I'll have time to set up and possibly de-stress a bit. I'll be staying down the street from Patternworks. Talk about temptations! I know I shouldn't go as I'm saving up for the Maine Fiber Frolic in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping to score a drum carder and a fleece.
Have a good weekend all, and a happy Memorial Day to all the US folks. I'll be back on Tuesday unless I can score an extra vacation day.
Talk to me
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Urban Aran revisted
If you’ve been reading for a bit you may remember the Urban Aran. If not:
Mandy posted her version a couple of weeks ago. Her version is so much better than mine.
Right then I realized I needed a cardi not a sweater.
Yes, I realized that I have only 2 purl stitches where I would essentially separate this beast.
Yes, I know that it will be hard
Yes, I know I’m not a god.
Maybe I have delusions of grandeur like Zeneedle blogged about on May 18th.
I believed without a doubt that I could do it.
Yes, I know I may have a screw loose.
I did it.
I ironed on stretchy interfacing to help stabilize it.
I sewed two lines on each side of where I would cut
I cut.
I serged both sides.
I bought a zipper and matching ribbon and sewed that on.
Its not perfect and I think I’d still like to put a facing on it, but its wearable. Its huge and bulky and made me feel like a tick(tiny head, bloated body). I enjoyed making it but I don’t think I’ll make another bulky sweater until I forget about this one. This sweater will be the perfect around the house lounging sweater. I’ll probably even take it with me to craft shows for comfort and warmth.
Talk to me
Monday, May 24, 2004
Just a tinkin’ along.
Sounds like that should be a song.
And now I'm rhyming, that's so wrong.
It must mean that I'm a ding dong
Ok, I'll stop now.
Its been cold and rainy here, which can only mean that I couldn’t work in the garden over the weekend. Some people would think that meant I had a free day to clean the house. The rest of us know that it’s time to spin and knit. That’s where the tinking comes in. I worked on the Highland Triangle and screwed up somewhere. Tinkedy tinkedy tink back before the mistake. Tink tink tink until I finally got the part where I had forgotten a YO. “doh”. I haven’t been able to pick up what little rhythm I had with it. I set it down for a bit but I’ve gotten a couple repeats done. See:
You can see the lifeline but I’m doing my best to not even have to rip back that far. I think I’ve gotten over that happy frogger attitude I had a couple of weeks ago. Right now I'll beg borrow or steal not to have to do any frogging.
Most of my time Saturday was spent spinning. I created another handspun page. Here's a preview:
Click on the pics to get to the page.
Sunday was spent in a different way. I have my craft show that I leave for on Friday. I spent the day doing some fulling and knitting up I-cord. Lovely craptastic I-cord. Just at the time when I felt like I must have knit about a mile of this stuff I measured. Hardly, I had about 3 yards. Not enough and certainly not a mile. On we went knitting away. I’ll try to remember to take some pics of the finished bags.
I did do some dreaming and planning as well. I’ve been thinking of a fair isle sweater. I’m sure I’ve seen it before, the picture in my mind is so vivid it just can't be imagined. I just don’t remember where which is ok, I'm not up for buying another pattern right now when I can make it up. I’ve got the yarn and most of the pattern is written. The fair isle band is already color charted on my computer in a million combinations but I’ve narrowed that down to one. I also re-charted Charlotte. I don’t want to work from written directions and I just couldn’t read that chart they provided. So I charted my own from the written directions. Now that I have it all figured out, I’m itchin’ to work on it.Its a good thing my yarn hasn't arrived, I want to get more done on highland triangle.
Today I need to be working on finishing up bags, attaching buttons and gorgeous I-cord. I've also devised a new tote that I need to get done. Pottery will have to wait until I get back from this show. I have a wedding teapot to do. I think it will be gorgeous in the chosen flowers. The last thing I have planned for today:
Talk to me
Friday, May 21, 2004
Again it comes down to the sock
Roses a plenty
Violets galore
Sock yarn of many colors
Just buy me some more.
I made that up myself. Impressed? I didn't think so. Did you know that sock yarn is my one weakness. Sock yarn is my Kryptonite. I didn't get all the colors of kryptonite that I wanted. I filled my cart and looked at the bottom line and had a little laugh/choke. I then whittled it down to something less than a rent payment.
This is from Over the Rainbow Yarns on Ebay. Its twinkletoes sock yarn. I'm hoping its a bit more variegated than it shows, if not I may splash a bit more darker red on it. This sock yarn is slated for Charlotte's Web. If I could I would take one of every yarn she has. In fact I toyed with all her colorways and picked out several that would have been perfect for Charlotte. I also figured that since her yarns have more yardage per colorway than Koigu that I could make a couple of pairs of Charlotte socks after I finished the shawl. See its a deal, its not spending money, its like you have to do it. As soon as I finish Highland Triangle I'll get to Charlotte. I have 2.5 repeats done on Highland, which I'm absolutely in love with and can't wait to have it finished.
This next one, I was seduced into it. Offer me free stuff and you will have your way with me. Its awful. Smiley's has(is) a sale and they do have some nice looking sock yarn. This sock yarn comes in solids too. I'm just trying to get a jump on Xmas presents, no really, I am. We're almost half way there. We'll see if I actually start early or if you'll be reading how on the 24th I'm seaming sweaters and kitchenering socks til all hours of the morn. In fact I'm jealous and want to hunt down all those people that announe in August how they are done with their xmas gifts. If I finished in August I'd probably be giving out the presents early. I can't hold onto any gift for that long.
This is the summer footie sock I started this past Sunday. I suppose if I had been more diligent about working on it, I may have both done. I don't. Today is Mom's Birthday and she is getting one sock, and then I'm taking it back to make sure I can match it up to the next one. This is what happens when we have 2 holidays so close together. It has nothing to do with poor planning. Or maybe it has to do with the fact that I work and have a 3yr old. Nope, not poor planning at all, just some poor excuses.
Speaking of planning, I have my weekend all planned to the hilt. There's pottery needing to be finished. There's Shrek part 2 that needs to be seen. Of course there is a garden still needing to be weeded. I actually have a huge list of yard work that needs to be done. I'll check in November and see how much actually got crossed off. The rest of the time I plan to spend sitting on my butt on my new swing. Have a great sunny weekend all.
Talk to me
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Knit alongs
This is my one completed knit along. I did my part and sent off the blankets a while ago.
I have my Benny Bear all picked out. I just have yet to start it.
Ahh, Kate. How I love thee.... And how thee sits in my knitting bag, back complete, front about 5 inches done. *sigh* Its one of those projects that I got bored with. I'll finish her eventually. I'm trying to envoke the 10 minute rule (knit 10 minutes every night and it will be done in 2 years guaranteed). I am just favoring my shawl over this lately.
This is a new one. I'm blamingthanking Zeneedle for this new one. Socks? I knit lots of socks. Maybe I can complete this one on time. There is a prize incentive for completion. Incentives are good. As soon as I finish mom's Birthday socks, I'll start on the first sock in the series. Hopefully I'll be right on time to start on the start date, June 1. Six socks in 12 months isn't a stretch for me, considering I've completed 2 whole pair (and finished one other pair) in the past week and a half.
This is the last new button, I promise. Its a great idea when used conscientiously. My blog is open to share which is why I share so many of my patterns for free. Eventually I may have some "for sale" patterns but I'm open to sharing like many others, just make sure credit is given where credit is due and don't tromp on copyright laws. Its what I try to make sure to do. If you have any questions about using something form my blog, email me and ask.
Last comment of the day:
Blogger commenting system is crap.
Comment here
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
A place to knit
I've wanted a swing for years. Take a walk with me into my imagination..... The warm sun on my feet with shade over me, a margarita at my side, looking out over the yard and fields. The smell of nearby farm lands wafting in the warm summer breeze. The dogs will be happily running around sniffing unknown items and eating pieces of dead animals the cats have left in our yard. I'll sit in my spot happily swinging and knitting watching M fill her pants with sand in the sand box or try some strange maneuver on the swing set that is sure to cause a bruise or broken bone. Ahhh.... knit knit knit....swing swing swing.....It will all be so peaceful. I'll pretend that I won't even hear the kids from the new motocross course nearby. Come on over, we'll turn up the music and I'll have the margaritas ready.
The patio table is an extra huge bonus. The only table we currently have is a hand-me-down that I like but has been broken several times, is uneven and not really attractive in any sense of the word. Especially when you consider that the "matching" chairs are white plastic. The husbeast did good. In fact I should be working on his sweater right now.
I worked a bit on Kate and my shawl yesterday. I need a shawl for those cool nights out on the swing. We have a fireplace out there but its not near my swing. The logical person would move the swing, the knitter would knit a shawl. On that note, I'm off to knit. I hope its sunny where you are today.
Make some noise
Monday, May 17, 2004
Home at last
Its good to be home. M and I stayed at the craft show most of the time. Not exactly by choice. Some assface parked our truck in. This little White Geo type car was one in a whole line of parked cars illegally parked in front of signs that said "Do not park here!". All of these people that parked there, parked in a whole line of vehicles. Let me just say, I wasn't happy. No yarn store for me, grrrr. If you think I was cranky, M was far worse. And when M is crankier than me, watch out. I had glorious visions of yelling "Towanda" and ramming the car until I could free myself.
Now that you know what I didn't do, what did I do? Knit. The drive down I made one sock and Saturday I finished the pair.
I also made a tiny little ornament sock for fun. These big socks are for Dad. If you'll notice, the stripes line up perfectly but the colors don't match, this was done on purpose. We all do things like this to mess with my dad, just to see if he'll notice. My gram once made him a blanket with black and red stripes and threw in an odd navy blue stripe. For the curious folks out there, the socks are just a simple toe up construction with a short row heel. Its made with regia jaquard 4 ply. I gave away the ball bands to curious knitters that wanted to knit some, so I cannot tell you the colorway. I also finished the secret gift socks in pale pinkElann Esprit. You'll see them soon. And, I started another pair in sockatta and worked on them until it got too dark on the ride home last night.
It is nice to be home. Rainy weather and all. To top it all off my mother's day gift was waiting outside for me. A new teak patio set! I had to ask what I did to deserve such a nice set and was informed its an incentive gift. Husbeast is so cute. Its still overcast and rainy outside or you'd have a picture to ooh and ahh over. He does actually deserve a nice thank you for that. I think I'll make him a pair of socks. As soon as the weather clears you'll get to see my gorgeous new teak swing and table set. I'm going back to bed now. (I wish)
Say something
Friday, May 14, 2004
Packed and ready to go
I'll be without my trusty internet connection over the weekend. Don't cry for me. I know its a sad and tearful problem but I'll be ok. I won't be able to have my Sunday morning coffee while catching up on blogs. I'm changing the subject before I get teary. I need to remind myself I will still have the computer with me so I won't feel so lost, but I have a feeling it will mostly be used as a DVD player for M's cartoons.
I snapped a picture of a few of the projects I had planned to bring with me. Highland Triangle and V's sweater are staying home. Kate was shy and didn't want to be photographed.
I looked at this picture a few minutes ago and I removed a few of the items. All are to be used for socks. Really, even if I had a whole weekend to sit on my butt and knit, I'm not getting all that done or even started. I am a bit delusional, but its a happy kind of crazy. For those curious about the secret projects. Here's the yarn. I'm bringing these with me to have secret knitting time on them.
The red/pink yarn is a new acquisition. That's for me hopefully. Notice my lovely invention to the left of the picture. 2 pencil erasers and a piece of esprit holding them together to keep bamboo points safe. I'll do anything to make my needles happy. I might actually go out and buy myself a decent looking set of point holder/protectors if I don't think I'd rather have yarn.
I leave with a quickly snapped photo of a rare moment in our household. The oldest dog is not biting M and M is not biting her. They have rare moments of getting along and not torturing one another. Have a great, sunny weekend.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
PMS and Humidity
I know what you are thinking. Amy, this is a knitting blog, let's stay on subject here. I am on subject. Well, if you subscribe to my theory of everything is related to knitting.We'll play the 7 degrees of knitting game.
1.It's been humid here. I think its been humid for a lot longer than I've noticed. I'm not very observant and I just noticed the humidity today. What leads me to believe that its been humid for a lot longer is that my pottery hasn't been drying. I needed to paint some stuff that took far too long to dry for impatient me. I did this task outside today. 2.I have PMS and its super hot. Sweating and uncomfortable I finished my task. I was dying for a cool breeze but nothing so nice happened and it was hotter inside the house. 3. Because of this PMS I think it felt more humid than it was. I'm not sure. All I know is that I was uncomfortable. 4. This PMS also makes me want to knit big bulky comfort clothing.
There, 4 degrees. Not bad, not my best, but not bad. Why do I even mention it? I have PMS, I cannot control myself. Also, I have cotton and cool items on the needles. Fitted and pretty items. Perfect for the weather. I want nothing to do with them. I want to knit some double knit bulky wool bathrobe type of sweater. I want to knit thick thick wool socks. I hope this passes before I actually go downstairs and get out the wool.
I've listed some of my yarns. I haven't planned on making anything specific for sale, just clearing out the babies I don't think I will use and I need the cash.
I still have a couple more to dig out.
Its been a busy week here. I've been trying to get some projects done. I've completed painting a tea set (today's outdoor project) but still need to get it glazed before I can show it off. I've also been in contact with a gallery/studio here in town. They want me to fill a good sized space with my pottery and I'm hoping they will take me on as a pottery teacher. Teaching is something I've always enjoyed doing and really hope they decide to do this.
I haven't had a chance to get any more spinning done, but I have been knitting. One item is a gift. I have a feeling this person might read this. I've noticed other bloggers out there put pictures in their blogs and tell certain people not to look. Let me tell you about my family. I'll give you 2 examples that represent most of them (husbeast is the only non-sneaky one). My Gram and my Mom are classic present peekers. Well, Gram isn't so sneaky these days. Her motto the past few years has been "I'm old and I can do what I want." My Mom on the other hand, likes to be sneaky, she likes the challenge of pulling back that tape on the gift wrap, take a quick peak and then close it up so no one is the wiser. Would you think these ladies would listen if I said "don't look at your present picture behind this link HERE"?
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Pattern for the Mom's Day socks.

This new blogger won't accept my old system of commenting. If you hate this new one let me know and I'll search for one it will accept. I'm still not sure if I like it except that I get a quicker email notification.
Ok, now I"m having a problem getting any commenting system to work at all. I'm trying to get another one going, hopefully you will see a working link here
May 11, 2004 Talk to me!
Monday, May 10, 2004
Coming soon to a Connecticut near you.
The end of the week I'll be invading Connecticut. Mom has a show there and my daughter and I are tagging along to help out. Should be interesting and I hope to get a ton of knitting done. I've already written down addresses of yarn stores and I'm starting to pack extra projects to bring with me. You read correctly, I've been packing. While husbeast will start packing 15 minutes after we're supposed to leave, I start to pack a week before I leave. I have to admit he's getting better, but this weekend he is staying home as punishment. No, he's working and is invited to come down over the weekend if he wants to. I made myself a new bag to take with me. Not that I really needed a new bag, but who could pass up hot furry cow. It looks crooked but I assure its cute.
I got in a bit of spinning time this weekend. I tried my hand at super thick and thin single ply yarn. It came out really good. It took a bit of time to get the hang of it but once I did, it was fun. I can see why so many people make this type of yarn. Sorry, no picture of that one but I did get a bad photo of a yarn I'm extremely happy with. I had put M's sweater on hold I think mostly because I was unhappy with the yarn. I am keeping the Tequila sun yarn and adding this and a solid burgundy as stripes. Horrible photo, I wish you could see it in real life, its nice.
I can't wait to make more of this yarn to be used as socks for me. The other yarn I worked on was the llama blend. Its soft and lush but I'm not thrilled with the color. So I did a test dye on some of it that I had already spun up.
Greens and red/burgundies. I like the variegated but I think I want either A. Camo colors, B. Red/Burgundy Variegated, C. Solid Green, D. Solid Burgundy. What would you do?
Sunday, May 09, 2004
I've put together a comic page for all of you who didn't get a gift from me this year. There was only one that did so I know there's a lot of you out there. Enjoy your breakfast in bed and I hope you have a fantastic day.
And lastly I show off an FO. The socks that took forever and a day. The gift for my Mom.
Friday, May 07, 2004
How it all relates.
This, my friends, is the Friday rap up.
I was winding my yarn from Sonnet frogged and I looked down and realized something. I have proof positive that "seven degrees of knitting" works. Monday's post was about shoes and boots. Did you think it was totally unrelated to knitting? Today I present proof to you:
That happens to be the fabulous anime face boots holding my hank of yarn so I can wind it. I say "Who needs a swift, when you have fabulous tall boots?"
Now just to show you I haven't been totally slacking:
This is for a sweater for my cousin's daughter who happens to be my daughter's best bud. They get all giddy over having semi matching things. This will be a sweater for little V's 4th birthday in August. I have the body done and I need to do the raglan sleeves which will be done in lime or purple. I've stalled wondering if I should use up my lime or go out and buy some purple Cottontots.
I finished the back of Kate and am about 3 inches done on the ribbing of the front. The back looks wide doesn't it? Darn it! I was sure it was going to be small and fitted. We'll just have to wait and see. I haven't been working on her in favor of finishing up things for others. You'll notice that I didn't bind off the neck. I don't like how they did it. Instead of binding off and picking up stitches later, I'm just going to pick up and work the live stitches.
This is the Highland Triangle Shawl by Cheryl Oberle from Folk Shawls. I finished the first repeat. Not too impressive yet. I think I will favor this one over Kate when I get time to work on my projects.
So what am I working on?
Mom's socks for Mother's day is item number one. I had serious second sock syndrome with those. I'm at the toe and pretty sure I can finish it up in time for Sunday. I have no idea what we are doing for MIL.
The other project has a deadline of May 15th and I just got the yarn in yesterday. Yipes. I can do it though. It is a lot of knitting but that is all I'm going to be knitting until its done. except for finishing up Mom's sock of course.
I've also decided to sell some of my yarns. I ordered some more yarn the other day. I couldn't help it. I have a design I want to do and I needed yarn. To ease my guilt at killing the budget once again, I need to do something. I have a few handspun yarns I've been hanging onto just because they are pretty but I have no desire to knit with them. I also have a few others. I'll give a hollar when I post them.
I leave you for the weekend with some drink recipes. I'm particularly interested and a little scared of the "Corpse Reviver". The site I've pointed you to also has some really cool retro stuff on it. There's plenty for you to check out while you avoid working on a sunny Friday afternoon.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Seven degrees of knitting and spinning
Based on the game "seven degrees of Kevin Bacon"
I can do this. I bet you can too. Name anything, anything at all and I can somehow connect it to knitting or spinning within 7 degrees. Most of the time I can do it within 2 or 3. Yes, you may bow to me now. Really there is no trick to it. Its all part of the fiber addiction. This has become a real joke around our house. The husbeast can mention anything and I can relate it all to my fiber obsession. Think about it for a time and I bet you can do the same.
Frogging seems to have become an important part of the dance I do to start a project. Knit then Frog. Knit, look at it and frog at least part of it. Knit and then frog and burn it. Ok, that's a bold faced lie. I don't burn it, but it does cross my mind. I started a shawl in this manner Monday afternoon. The Highland Shawl from the Folk Shawls book. I finally decided that I didn't like the yarn I had pulled from the stash. Back to the stash bin it goes. I haven't given up. I've chosen a new yarn, not from the stash, not brand new, I pulled it from ever lovely frog pond. Say good bye to Sonnet and hello to Highland Shawl.
Its all curly and fluffy. I already washed the 2 sleeves so I should be able to start that tonight.
!Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Go out and celebrate with your favorite tequila.
Monday, May 03, 2004
Gardening and Shoes
But not Gardening shoes or shoes that garden
It was a gorgeous weekend and I spent the whole weekend outside working in the garden. I pulled so many weeds that by late Sunday afternoon I was starting to have halucinations of fashioning a crown of weed roots and singing at the top of my lungs declaring myself "Queen of Weeds". That's when I quit for the day. If I hadn't quit I probably would have done it. My mom took pity on me at one point earlier in the day and helped do a bunch of the weeding or I may have been wearing my crown of weeds all day on Sunday. I should have taken before and after pictures of this garden. Quite a transformation. I'm trying to reclaim it after a couple of years of neglect. I'll quit boring you with gardening stuff, if you want to see more I set up a page for myself. I'm a planning fool and I do this every year, this year I put it on the web to share instead of a notebook. Boogie's Garden
Mandy at Yarnageddon and I have been having a shoe conversation. Well, now we've decided we needed a "show and tell". I'm ready to show what I have and any one else out there reading this, I hope you do the same. I want to see shoes! Want to see mine?
Knitting? I finished the back of Kate and started working on the front. I've decided to do Kate with the sleeves. Maine is either cold enough that I would wear the sweater with sleeves or so hot that I probably won't wear a knitted tank very much. I'm working on a kids sweater, its a gift due in August. Now ask me if I've done anything on the socks that need to be done for this weekend. No. Why would I do that? I also placed an Elann order and since they are so fast I should be working on those socks by midweek. If you haven't been to Elann lately, why don't you spend your Monday morning ignoring work and shopping for yarn.