Its all true, the boogie girl is real, and you've found her. She knits, sews, spins, does pottery and writes it all down in this blog.
Friday, April 30, 2004
Yarn, Its all about the Yarn
Yesterday was the day I fell off the yarn ban. You knew it had to happen. I'm not on a ban because of some guilt of having a large stash (I don't). Yes, I read all the posts that went around a week or so ago about guilt and knitting. I guess I figured most people were on a yarn ban for budget reasons or something. Feel how you want, be on/off a yarn diet for your reasons. I'm not going to tell you how you should or shouldn't feel about your stash. Love it, hate it, its up to you. If you hate it, I can help you by taking some of that off your hands. Anyway this is my blog and we need to be talking about me. ME me me me me. I know you want to see what made me fall off my ban and budget.
First in the yarn parade is a bit of yarn I scored at Goodwill. I'm thinking I might need to share some of this. If you click on the photo, you'll see why I might need to get rid of some. Its DK weight and its a pretty good summer blend.
Before I even went to Goodwill, I stopped at Halcyon. I had a coupon and its mandatory that you use a coupon from a yarn store. At least that's what I've been told, (don't tell if I was given incorrect information). I browsed around for a while and eventually ended up looking at books. One book almost jumped off the shelf at me. I read the title and threw it in my basket. I didn't even flip through it. After yesterdays escapades, I knew I needed it.
Ok, maybe I didn't need it. But it certainly seemed appropriate. Flipping through it, I like this book. It has some really cute kids patterns and an adult pattern that I already have just the right yarn for. But did I stop there. Almost. I needed more sock yarn. Needed may be subjective, but I did feel that I need some yarn for my dad. I wanted him to have a snazzy pair of jacquard socks. The blue jean yarn is almost spun but its a little thick and it would be better suited for winter wear. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
When I got home I got all my sock yarn together so I could really see what I wanted to get done.
Click if you want to see all the sock yarn goodness
I tried to take a photo of myself in Urban Aran. Um. Not sexy. A blurry blob of green. I think I'm standing still but I know I'm quite fidgetty so maybe I finally cannot control it. I just can't stop moving for a photo. Sorry folks. I'll buy some duck tape this weekend and see if I can get husbeast to help me take a photo.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Seaming Hell!
I've recently returned from there. My last 2 adult sized sweater were knit in the round. How quickly one forgets what hell seaming can be. Threading the yarn in the needle. Moving it up into the left side and picking up a stitch and then over to the right to do the same and then pull it tight. Now do this 100 more times and you will have the arm attached. Now the next arm and then, fun of all fun, the side seams. I can't believe husbeast sweater is going to be seamed. Expect an even bigger rant after I get that one done. Actually that one may take me a couple of days to get it seamed. So you might want to plan for a couple of days of ranting.
I really liked knitting this but I have learned a few things, maybe. I'm sitting still thinking that maybe I wouldn't mind knitting another one if I just adjusted the pattern to knit in the round. I need to remind myself that this sweater is not attractive on me. Its bulky and comfy and its hypnotized me. I think it may be a bit big but bulky is not attractive on me. I'm going to toss it in the wash and block it again, we'll see what I think after that is done. Maybe my dislike is just one of those crazy body image things. It really looks nice on "Cherry".
I have been trying to get this finished so I havne't done much else. I have a bunch of projects on my plate at the moment with deadlines. Mostly socks. Socks. Socks. Socks. Someone will find me under a bunch of sock yarn and flailing DPN's.
I have found time to plan my garden. Plan is the key word. Its too early to plant but I could be out there turning over the soil. No, I prefer to plan it and occasionally look at the brown soil with dried leaves and a few weeds. I did at least buy the seeds. If you haven't gotten your stuff yet, check out Johnny's Seeds. They are really reliable and as they are based in Maine I use them exclusively.
The next joyful thing I gte to knit is sure to make me want to set my needles on fire. I know, then why knit it? Benny. Look at that guy. How can you not want to knit him? He's seduced me. Even knowing that he's knit with eyelash , which I hate, I still want to knit him.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Bad Hockey, Good Knitting
I've never seen such a worse officiated game in my life. We went to the Pirates (Our local AHL team) playoff game. I've seen bad games but after there were 13 penalties in 2 periods on one team, a penalty shot against them, and a disallowed goal, I was sure something was up. Grrrrr. Even my quiet husbeast was hollering at the ref (he never does that). Come to find out, the game he officiated on Friday was much the same. He was clearly one sided and the game got out of hand in the end. I hope he gets fired. But wait! I can bring knitting into this story so its not a total loss for those of you that aren't hockey fans, but why wouldn't you be hockey fans, hockey rocks! The story:
I'm sitting there knitting before the game starts and a little girl in front of us with her dad is watching me intently.
Her dad turns and says "knit one purl one, she's knitting hon."
Me "its actually knit 2 purl 2"
Man: "oh, ribbing"
Me: You knit?
Man: Yeah but I prefer to crochet, I like to make afghans and such.
Its always nice to meet other knitters. But it doesn't stop there. A couple of rows up another lady was knitting something. I didn't get a chance to talk to her as my daughter was non stop. The last game we took her to was an evening game and she konked out during the 2nd period. Not so this time. She kept right on going, so much energy in such a little body.
On to knitting:
I finished little Miss M's tank yesterday morning.
**edit**Click to see the larger view and pattern
2-3 days to finish that. I love little kids clothes when I feel motivated. I started on a full sleeve sweater for her out of the same yarn that is left over. This top took one whole skein of the variegated and about 1/4 of the green. The only finishing is adding the Icord straps. I'll make one for me eventually. Its easy cheesy!
Other projects:
Urban Aran: 1 inch left on the sleeves. Then I can start the fun that is seaming.
Footie socks: I stopped at the heel. I can't decide if I want to do a short row heel or a flap and gusset. ahh such hard decisions.
Kate: at the armhole. I didn't do much on this past weekend as I got involved in all my other projects.
I'm also working on a bunch of sewing projects. Ive made some capris for both of us and a couple of new tops. I've got more cut and ready. Kids stuff is just too cute.
If you've gotten this far I have a funny for you. This for all those that are addicted to Starbucks Foamy also has lots of other sage advice and an interesting take on the Atkins diet. If you are a little sensitive, Foamy is not your friend, do not click. Have a great week all.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
You need more projects
In my complaint about my wrist the other day, I was informed by Carissa that I need more projects started. Well, to be honest, she didn't say that. That's just what I heard. I had 4 projects already on needles ranging from 2mm needles all the way up to 6mm. I figured a couple more in that range couldn't hurt and maybe it will make me feel better.
A tank for the kidlet. Notice how the variegated colors are swirling around. I really like that. Its making me think that when I make my tank I want to stripe it. The only problem is that I have cotton tots in lime and the only other color I can stand in that line is pink. They need to add a couple of colors to that line. In fact I demand that they do. This stuff is easy to knit with and is really soft. I imagine after a wash or 2 it will be incredibly soft. I can't believe that I was offput by the look of it in the skein. I see some baby clothes coming.
Footies for mom. I have enough to make 2 pair. I want to get the opal socks done for her birthday but I'm not sure that's going to happen. I am trying to incorporate the 10 minute rule with those but for some reason I just plain don't want to do them at all. They may end up a Christmas present in 2005.
The wrist: Yes, these new projects made the wrist feel better. My problem is with my left hand and Continental Knitting. M's tank is being done English. Doing purl in English drives me nuts but I can knit in English with out wanting to stab something with my needles. M's tank is knit in the round, once the rib rows were done, its all English knit until I get to the arm holes.
Other projects without pictures:
Kate: One inch from the arm hole.
Urban Aran: Sleeves are more than half done.
J Sweater: working 10-20 minutes a day on this produces 2-4 rows. I haven't been progressing as much because its thick wool (hot) and there is no way he will be wearing this for a while and I want to get the garments for summer finished. I wish I could make him something for the summer.
I leave you for the weekend with a fun project I found. Felted Soap. I haven't made these yet but I'm thinking this is a good rainy summer day project to do with M.
I had to add this. Mandy over at Yarnageddon has added torture to my life. I found the most fabulous shoe. Forget that I already have a couple pairs of different wingtips. No, I'm not getting rid of the others but I think they need a new sister.
Pink and black wingtips!! Are you as giddy as I am? I must pass on the torture, go look at Fluevog.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
I love drinking those!
If you haven't seen the commercial, just laugh here.I love drinking those!
At the end of last year I had cut out a few pairs of pants, but never got around to sewing them. So I finished them up only to really be hit with the realization that I indeed have gained a few pounds. OK 15. Its not major but I need to be in shape in order to control my asthma. I've started doing Pilates again. I don't do the Winsor version but its very similar. So why is this pertinent? Have you noticed I hadn't blogged in a day or so? Pilates is taking the blog time. I can read and knit at the same time so I'm still around but I refuse to let blogging get too much in the way of my knit time. If I don't knit, what is the purpose of a knitting blog. I'll be updating a couple of times a week as I have time instead of trying to keep up with doing it everyday.
My wrist started to hurt the other night and I couldn't knit. I'm dying for my crochet mag to arrive so I can get that scarf started. I've also been spinning a fair bit in between knitting owies. I'll have some pretty yarn pictures once they are dry. I do have some knitting progress to show.
The green things are the 2 sleeves for the Urban Aran, about half done. The grey thing is the back to Kate. I'm itching to cast on for a million other things. I do need to get some socks done soon. Mother's day is May 9 and my Mom's birthday is May21. That means 2 pairs of socks for my mom. Father's day is in June and that means one pair for dad. Maybe I'll make a pair for husbeast or maybe I'll just give him what he really wants, no knitting involved.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
I cleaned the house today
No, nothing really special, just a bit proud of myself for actually doing a good, move the furniture kind of cleaning. Yes, it did deserve to be a title. I really hate to clean. People that know me may think the title needs to be even bigger.
This first bit is just pure bragging. I can't help it. In my little living room, one wall, 7+ feet high and about 10 feet long, blank. I've often thought of painting a mural or hanging some lovely art. I still may but for right now there is a better use.
Click! If you look carefully you can see the light switch to the right of the game. Yup, that's 6 feet of game. At times if you stand next to it, it feels as though you can reach out and kiss them. Yes, I've always had a thing for hockey, earning me the fond nickname of "puck slut". Only as a joke though because I happen to be very chaste. It was a sad game 7. I love my Bruins but they are out of the series. I may just have to cheer on the Avs with Marta.
Go Colorado!
I finished M's sweater in a hurry. Cute. No? I'm still thinking it may be too short. This child is growing like a weed. The next item I'm making for her will be a tank top and that will be just fine if it shows a little belly. In fact its the style. I'll still make it long but I guarantee by the end of summer it will look like a crop top.
Any recommendations? I can't decide on a good top for my little bug
So, what made me finish her sweater in a hurry? This.....
The minute that M's sweater was off my needles, I put on Kate and knit away. I didn't get far but I feel better just having started it. Oh, if you click on the pic you will see the other sweaters from this magazine I want to make. Which happens to be half the magazine. In case you haven't gotten it yet, this may toss you over the edge. There, that's my warning and that's all you get. I know you will look anyway, its a compulsion, you have to. I've found myself clicking even when I don't care. Why? Its knitting stuff, its yarn, I'm in a trance and I have no choice.
Just so you can see I've been doing other things. I have other artsy pieces in the works. I love making pottery. I love making pottery for a living. This piece is heading out to a charity auction.
Monday, April 19, 2004
Small Progress
As suspected I didn't get much done on Saturday. I dragged my Urban Aran Sleeves all over the place with me and only got one half of a pattern repeat done. Yesterday however, I spent a fair amount of time with my butt planted in my rocker. I couldn't get motivated to clean, although that is definitely nothing new.
I chose to work on M's sweater as she will get more use out of a sweater than I will at this point. I finished the front, attached it to the back, made the collar, did a sleeve, attached it and sewed up the side. I did cast on for the second sleeve and may finish that later. Stockinette is so boring. At least sleeves keep me going with increases and counting stitches.
The other item in the picture is the yarn I found for "Kate" and the tiny little swatch that I did. I have gauge but no pattern. I impatiently sit here and wait for that book to get here.
I know this isn't a very inspiring post. I have a lot planned for today, more than I think I can get done. Isn't that always the way? I never finish it all, but at least with a large list I get the feeling like I have a choice of what to do. Cleaning is on that list, any bets that it will get done today? Come on, I'll give you odds.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
I may just be permanently confused.
Nobody is shocked?
I’ve now noticed that there are 2 working addresses for my blog. One and Two. TWINS! All Wednesday "one" wasn’t working, which happens to be the one that I normally use. There is a small panic that I feel in the pit of my tummy at the idea of losing all this wonderful information. Then, the little running hamsters that control the misfiring synapses start up the brain wheel again.
I won't lose anything important. I have all the pictures stored directly on my server and the words, well, I’m not the best writer. In fact, I don’t even really try to write well most days. I have a million thoughts running through my head, projects all around me, M talking a mile a minute, and my thoughts of work or whatever I need to do in the day ahead. Sometimes I’m amazed that I am able to create a complete thought. To be honest, there are the days that all that comes out verbally is an array of disconnected thoughts. At least for the blog I try to make an effort to get my creepy little hamsters in my head working enough complete a sentence. I'm sure that the grammar avengers still have a bone to pick with me.
Emma said that the number “two” address works better with the programs that she uses. If one address comes out like poo then try the other one. I'm beginning to feel lucky to have 2 addresses. The only thing that is different is the "referral" system information. Although I do suspect that one day one of them will no longer be working. Anyone want to take bets on which one will die? Some sort of web address Russian Roulette?
Like Amy I had to have that scarf pattern. I wanted it enough to get that magazine too. Enabler. If all crochet could be as elegant as that scarf I know I would do it more. I never showed you a picture of it.
Where I sit, right here, in my rocking chair, that scarf looks almost woven. Am I wrong? You know you want it too. Here I go blathering on about my justifications; If there is one item like this in every issue (which is what I’m counting on) then I am ok with my purchase. This little crochet magazine is less expensive than knitting magazines, especially if you work out the number of issues. I truly didn’t break the ban as I signed up for “bill me later” so I won’t be breaking the ban for a month or so. See how sneaky I can be. I'm sure you can come up with some justifications of your own for going out and buying something.
Friday, April 16, 2004
In case you didn’t notice, well, if you are reading this you had to have noticed. My blog address changed last night and I’m not sure why and I didn’t have any notice. I hope you all find me again.
Don’t run away yet!
I like to crochet, its what I learned before I knit. Its fun and has different patterns than knitting. Some patterns are pretty cool. I actually have a couple of books on crochet patterns.
I have a problem with some things about the books and magazines, though. Have you seen one? It’s like a nice neighborhood that has one house with a lawn full of old machine parts. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the house where old washers and dryers came to die. Driving through a neighborhood and enjoying the drive and the view and all of a sudden, eeps. There it is, a bevy of rusty old appliances. Makes me cringe just a bit. Not that I think I'm any better because we keep our graveyard in the back of our house. The houses that aren't showing off thier rust are all the classy designs in that magazine, the appliance graveyard is that toilet paper cozy the editors seem to find a reason to stick into every issue. I want to buy that magazine and possibly crochet more until I see that TP cozy.
It sends shivers up my spine and that has got to be the reason crochet has a bad name. If one magazine was free of that mint green and lavendar barbie doll tp cozy, you might like it better too. Amy posted THIS earlier this week and I too want that scarf. But take a look at the rest of the magazine, you’ll find the dead washer/dryer.
My appologies to those with washers and dryers in your front yard, but you are just show offs. And I should appologize to all of you with that expertly created cozy on the back of your toilet, I'm sure its far prettier than any I've ever seen before.
I realized that I never posted a picture of Kate. So here she is in all her glory
You know you want to join.
As Rock Chick has reminded me, "resistance is futile".
So do I make it with or without sleeves?
Do I make the tank without sleeves and then a shrug to match?
Have a great weekend and play with your Chicken
Thursday, April 15, 2004
I found it
I found that gorgeous gray yarn. Look. Its so pretty.
And, I have 10 balls of it!
I haven't decided if I'm going to do the sleeves or not yet.
I haven't gotten to swatching yet. I hope that I make gauge with this. The book hasn't arrived yet, hopefully soon. The gauge is listed on the Kate along page so I'll be checking that out later if I can get my brain together. I've been working mostly on my Urban Aran
I'm about 8 inches up. I can't think anymore so that's all for today. Maybe I will soon have more to show off.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Knit Alongs Galore
I haven't added many, just 2. I know some people out there have 5 or so going at once. I can see how that happens. I'm surprised that yarn companies don't promote knit alongs. These things are addictive. I've avoided them for as long as I could, but I'm only human I cannot help it.
Who could pass up a little knitted stuffed toy? Here's where they get ya, I almost bought the pattern book. It was in my cart, credit card entered, I just needed to hit "send". Arghhh, I can't do that. "Must be good. No new books, no new yarn. Must be good" I chant to myself as I rock back and forth in the corner of the closet away from the computer. Don't laugh, I'm sure you've been there. Luckily I have the yarn and some angora to spin. I have been meaning to knit up a bunny and maybe another creature or 2 from patterns that I already have. If you want to see what others are doing or to partake of the glorious adventures of Mr.Orange who seems to like his booze a little too much, go see Knitlette
You know you want to do this one. The “Kate” knit along. I have the pattern coming, I had ordered a while ago (before the ban). It seems to be taking a while to get here. I still have to search through my stash for the yarn. I’m pretty sure I have some classy gray cotton around here somewhere, if not, I'm going to sit and cry. My original plan was to quietly make my Kate and then I ran across the blog for it. Katharine’s face just kept calling to me. Katharine Hepburn is my favorite actress of all times so I just couldn’t help it.
These are the 2 that I have succumbed to so far. There are others that are calling me but I'm hard of hearing, or so I've been told. Is selective hearing the same as hard of hearing? Anyway, if you go to any given blog you can see so many different knit alongs happening. The one that is calling me the most is the Onde. I love that yarn. I don't want to do the sweater most people are doing, I just don't think a sweater like that will look good on me, and that yarn is not cheap. The ban is still holding strong. My mom did give me some $ to buy her some sock yarn on ebay. It does help to purchase yarn for others. My "enter bid finger" isn't twitching quite so bad at the moment.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Woosh there it goes
I’ve had an idea for a sock for a while. Today I sat down with some Elann Esprit (in pink of course), and started in. I can’t believe I had avoided it for so long. From Figure 8 toe up to the picot cuff, I did it all. I just couldn't stop. I love this yarn and it was such a quick knit. Unfortunately this sock was just too fast to get an actual picture of it. I’ve set a trap and hope to be catching it soon. I’ll make sure to tie it down and get a photo so you can see my little Speedy Gonzalez.
Now for Slowpoke Rodriguez here. I cast on for both sleeves. I’ll get this thing done in a week or 2 for sure. I probably shouldn't tease my sweater with name calling. I don't want it to rebel on me, so I will just say that I know the sweater would have been done if I actually paid attention to it. Darn knitter's ADD. ooohh that yarn is pretty......
While looking for a suitable bind off idea for my sock, which you'll be happy to know I made one up and it seems to work really well, I found this little number. Pretty, is it not? Then I found this tank.
Monday, April 12, 2004
I'm feeling Pinkish
Pink seems to be following me around lately. All the pink yarn I see, I secretly covet it. When I've been window shopping for dream yarns, I wake up and look into my shopping cart and its all pink yarn. Since M is in love with pink, it wouldn't seem shocking, but the yarn was all for me. *gasp* I haven't worn pink in years. After going to the store and choosing all pink yarns, I realized that I needed help. I forced myself to put a couple of the pinks back and get some lime, mmmm, cool soothing blind your eyes lime. To thwart the pink yarn monster I decided to turn the blog pinkish. If I can work out my pink desires here maybe I can knit with other colors.
With all these blog changes and Holiday fun I didn't have much time for knitting It was actually a nice sunny weekend here.
Click to see it large and in charge
I finished the front of the Urban Aran. Its all blocking. I still need to cast on for the sleeves. I'm going to do both at one time to try and speed things up. I really want to get this done. But not so much that I didn't do other things.
I did 4-5 more inches on M's sweater, did you notice that I didn't make her a pink one? I'm even hoarding all the pink yarn I already have. Do they have a 12 step pink intervention program?
That green blinding thing is a swatch for a tank top. I'm going to base it on the pattern in spring/summer FCEK 2004. I need to change it though. I want to knit it in the round, I don't want a cropped tank, and my gauge is vastly different from theirs. The only thing I will be using of their pattern is their top shaping. I'm really liking this yarn, Bernat Cotton Tots. It looks a bit funky in the ball so I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it but I do really like it. Its soft and the fabric look realy nice. I just wish it came in other colors that weren't so blinding.
The pinkish swatch is Bernat Satin, 100% acrylic for the tank top in Vogue spring/summer 2004. I like the feel of the fabric but the swatch I did is a little off gauge. If I went down a needle size I may be able to hit gauge but I'm not sure I want the fabric that tight.
I don't want to hear any comments about my tiny little swatches. Its amazing I swatched at all. Normally I head right into battle. I think my real reason for swatching is so I could play with my yarn. To me that may be the only true"good" reason to swatch.
While I'm working on these 2 sweaters and swatching for others I keep hearing this little voice to the left of me. "Hey, I thought the Husbeast sweater was next".
Yes, I'll admit to having knit related ADD. I replied that Husbeast just bought a new wool cabled sweater.
The voice quickly reminded me that I had said something like it was a good idea to go ahead and buy it because there is rarely a sweater in that giant size on sale that he likes and I wont get Husbeast sweater done for a while anyway.
hmmmm. The voice has a good memory.
Then what does the voice do?
It goes out and buys me flowers.
My guess is the next thing you see on needles will be that Husbeast sweater.
Saturday, April 10, 2004
General Update
I admit that the thought was to do the egg dying yesterday right after I got off the computer. That certificate was calling and it just wouldn't leave me alone. I was forced to go and get my yarn. When I get there I notice right off that the store has added another aisle of yarn. Its mostly eyelash but I did see many empty bins and a few had EL silky wool, which neither LYS carries. Focus. Focus. We came for cotton. Cotton for summer tanks. Cotton, no silky wool. Cotton. I picked out some Bernat Cotton tots. Its a nice cotton that will make a lovely simple tank top.
Then I notice this acrylic stuff that was shining at me. Its yarn so I had to touch. Its got a silky feel to it. Bernat Satin. Ever hear of it? I like the choices of colors and acrylic is good for summer clothing. If its horrible then we will just make a kitty blanket out of it. This is what I plan to do with it.
Have you seen Rachel's version of it. Downright sexy!
I head to the registers at the front of the store. I need to control myself and not sing and skip "I have new yaaaarnnnnn". The lady at the register was curt and less than helpful. She didn't want to honor my certificate. Grrrrr. Happy yarn dance was immediately squashed. We get the manager, who has always been nice to me. Duh, I didn't get enough yarn. I was $2.00 short and you have to use the whole certificate at once (which I did not know). She couldn't have told me that? This isn't the first time I've gotten less than helpful, crappy attitudes from these people so I shouldn't have been surprised. I plod away to get more yarn and finish this transction, when I got back to the register she was glaring at me and giving me impatient sighs. Nice customer service. *not* Sometime on the way home I got my happy new yarn dance back. Upon landing home, I threw my jacket on the table, kicked off my shoes in true kid fashion and took out my yarn to play. Then I check the receipt. She overcharged me $3.00. Grrrr. So I packed up the yarn and I'm not looking at it. My desire to have a summer tank will win out eventually and I'll open up the bag. I'm sure I will go back to the store just because they have yarns that my LYS's do not, yarns that I truely like to work with and are just too expensive to order online when I can go get them locally.
I'm up to the arm holes on the Urban Aran. I've finally update my WIP and FO pages. I'm actually happy with them for a change.
I decided to start my spring yard work yesterday. M was all ready to help. Yes, those are Christmas lights behind her. I took them down and packed them away. I want you to remind me in November, when I'm bitching about the idiot that packed away the lights so haphazardly. I want you to remind me that I'm the idiot.
I'm amazed at how much junk I still had in my yard. Although, maybe I shouldn't be surprised. The neighbor across the street never does his yard work, I should take a picture so you may all gasp. All his trash floats into my yard. I'm sure I'll complain about him again in the fall when I need to rake leaves several times.
Then I destroyed a bird's nest. I felt bad in a way but good in another. I have a retarded robin that has made a nest in my front shrubs. It was neat to watch her build a nest and hatch her 3 babes. The nest is only 3 feet off the ground and not really safe. I walk out my front door one morning to dead baby birds on the driveway. So so sad. Last year, she did the same thing with the same result. While I felt bad about destroying her well made nest of 2 years, and not being able to watch her raise babes again, I'm hoping she won't try to rebuild and give her next hatchlings a fighting chance by building her nest a little higher up.
Then we colored eggs. Painted them and ourselves. Our hands are just as pretty as the eggs, but that's half the fun, right? I want to make note that the pink egg dye that refused to dye the eggs did, however, dye my wooden farmers table. M is all set today in her Easter dress. No, she couldn't wait a day. Not that we are relgious in any sense of the word but its a day for chasing eggs, chocolate bunnies, and family visiting.
Friday, April 09, 2004
I know why you're here
I won't bore you with knitting content. Not that there is much to tell. Still working on Urban Aran and Spinning up that batt from Grafton Fibers. I found a certificate for Craftmania (like AC Moore). So I actually may get a yarn fix. They carry Patons classic Merino and a couple of nice cottons. Their yarn aisle has expanded from 1 small one to 2. I found a cool pattern for a racerback tank and I must make it. Yarn diets only mean you can't spend new money right? If its a certificate then its like getting free yarn. Ok so I did bore you with knitting content. ![](
After briefing M on all the bribes you were planning on giving her, she picked a name. Nothing like that just "rolled out of bed" look. Funny thing is, she already pretended to apply her makeup and do her hair. I had to let her do that at least.
Heather Abner Come on down!
Thank you all for playing, I wish I had enough yarn to send all of you some. This was fun. I may have to do this again sometime.
Oh yeah the correct answer is "House of 1000 Corpses" by Rob Zombie. The quote was said by Bill Mosley as the character Otis. I'm a big fan of horror flicks so I suppose that may be a hint for future contests if I do a movie quote again. Or maybe I'll force myself to watch a romance just to pull a quote.
Have a good knitting weekend and Happy Easter. I'm off to dye some eggs today.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Ahhhhh, the stash is looking good.
Too bad it took cleaning to make it look this good. Too bad I'm too much of a slob to keep it this way.
I cleaned and cleaned and got 3 bags of clothing. Some maternity, some office and some just plain needed to be tossed. I need to clean out some of my fabric stash too. Those pics are the part of the stash that is in that particular closet in my studio, I have a whole other stash upstairs in my "knitting hutch" in the living room. That is by far the most unruly stash, the stash is in, over, next to, around and near it. Some are active projects, others are those that I want to work on next.
I'm getting into this cleaning thing but it won't last. I'm anal but only until I get tired of the project. I'm also cataloging projects I want to do so I can see the yarn I need at a glance. Which led me to find this:
You see that red blob, that would be the boob loop I frogged. Once I'm allowed to buy yarn again I will need a couple more hanks of the boucle and one more of the wool ease. The sweater is from Vogue winter 03-04. Its cropped which doesn't work for me, but I know how to add a few inches and make it work. I may need more than a couple of the boucle.
I didn't really find inspiration in my stash. I did find a merino boucle blend that isn't too fluffy that may work for something. I need to swatch and see. There are a couple of tank projects but I guess I'm not up for it. I'm being really good and I went back to Urban Aran yesterday. The sock is what I did the day before. I also got that flax cup done. I hope to take a bit of time off from work soon. I'm feeling artistically burnt. I still have a few good sewing projects I need to complete. Of course there are all those Critter Blankets. I contacted MANNA thanks to a post by the fabulous Anj, and hope to donate something to their auction. I'm now on the look out for other organizations that I may donate something to. I miss doing volunteer work, husbeast has heard me say this alot lately. I may just have to get out of the house and find some group that needs me.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
I love you
Do you have any doubts?
I'm not sure what made me think of all you dial up users. But I did and I cringed. I remember what it was like, I have nightmares from the memories. So to prove I love you all, I've shrinky dinked all my pictures that are currently showing and I've made it so only the most recent 4 posts show. I am warning you that if you head into my archives I haven't changed a thing there. I'm really too lazy to continue shrinking every picture. Let me know if it helps.
So what have I been up to. I think I've been sitting here spacing out alot. I'm trying to finish up those Opal socks. Mother's Day is coming and I plan to give the momster those. I have no idea what to do for the momster in law. Get her a plant or some flowers? Maybe buy her a certificate for a piercing and tattoo. This will make husbeast laugh. I keep saying one day I'll corrupt his mom. All girls have a wild naughty side. Some just keep it closer to the surface than others.
I've sewn a couple of blankets for critter knitters. I have about 10 cut out for all sizes of animals. I hope to get a few more of those done today.
I'm still having that creative slump as far as knitting goes. I have designs sketched and some written. I also have a million books and all the new magazines, but no yarn I want to use and nothing is really catching my interest. I've also been cruising the blogs to try and get inspiration. I always want the sweater that someone else has. I have found some inspiration but for a few reasons I'm on a strict yarn diet. So for those of you that may be able to buy buy buy I remind you to check out Wendy who has been dancing around with her colinette stash. Knitlette almost got me to buy that teddy bear book. I resisted. I got to the point of only having to click "enter". I had to walk away from the computer and wipe my sweaty nervous brow after that one. Yes, new books are out of the diet right now too. Then of course there is the Audrey and the Kate knit alongs. I'm also strangely drawn to the Cardi raye along. Strange because I couldn't possibly wear all those colors, nor do I know anyone that would be able to wear it but I wouldn't mind knitting it up. Amy is making a sweater I love and she says its easy. Of course I have tha book and I have a WIP from that book that really isn't interesting me right now either. Finally we come to Rogue But I want to make it a cardi like Claudia did last month. I'm sure there are more but a girl can only do so much lusting in one day.
I'm going to "organize" my stash. It does sorely need some attention. I have maternity and office clothes stored there. I need to start to adjust the maternity wear to everyday clothing, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to work in an office again and if I do there is no way I will ever be a size 1/2 or 3/4 again. Anyone out there that tiny in need of office wear? If not I'll truck it all off to Goodwill this weekend. My yarn and cloth stash needs more room to breathe. Maybe if I play with it all I'll be struck by something and I don't mean struck by a box falling from the top shelf.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Want yarn?
I promised an Easter present but I'm so lame that I wasn't able to get it done in time.
So I figured I'd do a contest.
Its all the rage these days.
What am I going to make you do for this?
Dance on tables?
Kiss toads?
No, I'm going to make you go bathingsuit shopping.
Scary thought isn't it.
I couldn't do that to you.
It seems like so many people are good with remembering movies so I thought I'd throw a quote at you.
I've changed my blog description. It contains a movie quote. I did change it a bit to apply to me. Here is the actual quote "Its all true. the boogie man is real, and you've found him". Need another hint? I believe the movie was released in 2002.**edit** it was released in 2003** This quote also made it to the movie soundtrack.
How will this work? Email me using the link on my sidebar. Subject line "Happy Easter Boogie Knits".I'm only being specific about subject because of all the spam and viruses, I don't want accidentally erase you.
I don't think too many people read me so it shouldn't be too much competition.
Everyone that gets it right will get their names tossed into a hat and I'll have M pick out someone to win 2 hanks of handpainted yarn (100% wool) that is fullable(feltable) but so soft you may not want to full it. Its worsted weight over 400 yards. I'll also include the Katharine pattern to make your own bag. (2 hanks will make 2 bags+)
Friday morning I'll announce the winner so I can get the yarn shipped out by Easter.
I'll get a picture later, right now I'm supposed to be making pancakes.
I leave you with a little funny for the morning.
Make sure your sound is on
Monday, April 05, 2004
Hey lookie! I'm home
If you have dial up I imagine my blog must be hell for you.
I finished this on Friday night, please excuse the really bad picture, no natural light today. I dont really like it. These things look so much better on other people. I'm wondering if it was just too fluffy for me. So I fixed it and now it looks like this:
I know sad isn't it? I still have to unravel more of it. Its a pain in the butt to rip boucle and I have no patience for it this morning. I actually started going at it with a pair of scissors and then in shock realized what I was about to do. I put the pretty little mass of yarn down, knitting up little pieces of yarn is not fun and I do want to use this again. I think I've figured out that I have 3 problems with it. 1. The fluffiness bugs me, so I may try the same pattern with a different yarn. 2. As I got to the last set of cables I started to think it would be neat to do even fancier cables with it so now I'm a little dissapointed at my plain little cables. 3. I saw a sweater made out of something like this on someone at the show this weekend, it looked so comfy and I started to think right then and there of ripping this out and starting a sweater. I've turned into such a fickle knitter. Having said all that, Do you want my pattern even though I don't like it at the moment? The company I got the boucle from is inexpensive and I really like the yarn. I have the boucle in other colors too. Yes I went nuts when I found them and now I'll go back and get more of this red so I can make a sweater. The plain yarn is some woolease I got on sale but the boucle is from Numei
And then on Saturday and Sunday I did a footie each day. It may look weird but its supposed to be a ruffly top. They look good on, I'm just not limber enought to take a picture of myself wearing them. I made them with some Hot Sox I know you are looking at that and thinking I must be the acrylic queen. Lately it does seem like I have a bunch of acrylic going on. I plan to start husbeast's sweater today in Lamb's Pride Bulky to help balance it out (feel better about me?). To justify my use of Hot Sox. I bought it for the kids socks because it was on sale at $1 per skein and I can get a pair of footies for me and socks for M from one skein. Or I can get 2 pairs of kid socks from one skein. It's soft and I figured I couldn't lose since kids out grow their socks so quickly there is no chance she will wear it out. Well to make a long story longer, I loved the camo colorway so I just had to make myself a pair. They wear like iron. They aren't warm like wool but they make good summer socks. The only problem I have with the stuff is that it will stretch out a bit. No holes in the yarn, the yarn actually seems to make a tighter fabric after a while, it just is a tighter fabric in a looser form. Its odd but I now make the socks a bit small and after a couple of wearings they are perfect. I'm sure I'll make a couple more and I plan to make a tank top out of the rest of my camo. I don't always like the feel of cotton so I have no problem using acrylic for my summer clothing, but I do prefer that it have some nylon or cotton content. Hot Sox is 40% nylon so it fits the bill.
This is part of my booth and me picking my nose. Okay not really but I have a collection of "finger up the nose" pics and I just had to add one to it. Childish? Yes. I keep seeing ads for the new movie "13 going on 30" and I've been thinking that the movie of my life should be 30 going on 13.
Just a bit of the pottery. I think I confused people by having both types of items. I think for this type of unjuried show I'll bring the bags and such while at the high end juried shows I'll of course do the pottery because that's all that I usually submit to be juried. The highlight of my show weekend (other than the 5 hours of driving each day) were obviously the other crafters. I actually had another crafter walk up to me Sunday afternon as I was packing up, and say "I'm almost done packing, My husband and sons are going to pack up your truck next if that's ok with you" How cool is that?!?! Since I was all alone it was great to have so much help and to get home an hour earlier.
Questions and Comments
Firstly, thank you all for your sweet comments once again. The vest is really simple, but it suited what I wanted and it keeps me warm. I'm not sure I would make one out of 100% wool as this is really warm as it is. But I am thinking of making one out of some chunky cotton.
I'm glad this brought out some of you silent readers. This referal system doesn't seem to be working well and I never know who to link back to. I'm going to try and update all of that later today.
That picture on knitty: I look sleepy not drunk? Maybe Sleepy hung over looking. haha. I actually don't drink enough these days for a good old fashioned hang over or I may say it could be a possibility. But I always could use more coffee. In fact I drink right up til bed time.
I still have the pink sheep knitting bag, It almost went but they fell for the olive one instead.
We are having a snow storm today and I really want to light a fire in the fireplace and to curl up with that giant wool sweater for husbeast. I have some orders I took that need to be filled so hopefully it will still feel a bit wintery later. Its probably the last wintery day of the year and I want to hang on it to for a bit more pure wool enjoyment. I don't usually like winter in April but there is nothing like a good bunch of wool to make you appreciate snow.
Critter Knitters.
If you haven't started this there is still a bit of time to do so. I bought a ton of fleece a few years ago to make dog beds for a no-kill Doberman shelter but they didn't need them so I have all this thick gorgeous fleece that has been sitting here for a couple of years. I hope to get to sewing it up this week and sending it off. Its nice to find someone who will use it, not to mention that I may get a prize for doing so.
Friday, April 02, 2004
Thanks guys :)
You guys are all too sweet. Thank you. Its a really simple design. I wanted a vest fast, and this is what I came up with.
This pic was taken while trying to get a good vest pic. I had to post something since I think that pic on knitty makes me look drugged or husbeast says I look drunk. Could that be Capt Morgans in that mug? And now we all know why I like to wear makeup.
I set up for the show last night. Took a pic while driving so I could share the joyous April Fools day driving with you.
Can't see anything? Me either. I had to lug all my stuff from the parking lot into the auditorium in that rain. By the end my favorite sweater hung at my knees. Monday she'll get a loving wash and block.
I leave you with a pic of about a third of the bags I got done for the show. It might be a partial explanation of the lack of knitting. The other part is all the knitting and crochet rolls and then the pottery. I'm bringing the digicam with me today so I'll get some good botth shots.
I'm hoping to get that Boob loop done today. Have a fun Friday all.